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Tuesday, 16 February 2016

George W. Bush hits the campaign trail for his brother Jeb! Why not? After all how much worse can it get?

AArrgghh!!! I was wrong, this is worse!

Courtesy of Yahoo News: 

George W. Bush never mentioned Donald Trump. But with his folksy touch, the former president unleashed a tough takedown Monday of the billionaire businessman who has upended a Republican Party his family has long led. 

"I understand Americans are angry and frustrated," Bush said during his first campaign rally for his brother, Jeb Bush. "But we do not need somebody in the Oval Office who mirrors and inflames our anger and frustration." 

The former president emerged from his self-imposed political hibernation to try to give Bush a boost. He layered each validation of his younger brother with an implicit critique of Trump. 

He urged voters to back a candidate who will be "measured and thoughtful" on the world stage. A candidate whose "humility" helps him understand what he doesn't know. A candidate who can win in November's general election. 

"All the sloganeering and all the talk doesn't matter if we don't win," Bush said. "We need somebody who can take a positive message across the country."

Jeb Bush can win in November?

Hah! He can't even win ONE of his own party's primaries.

In fact he can't even place among the top three in the primaries. 

And if he thinks that bringing his brother out of the mothballs and shoving him in front of the American people is going to help him one little bit, well then he drastically underestimates the damage that George W's presidency did to this country.

Now if you will excuse me I have to perform my "seeing George W. Bush on TV" ritual, which is to go into a closet and scream until I can't scream anymore.


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