Courtesy of ABC News:
Making her campaign trail debut for Hillary Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama ripped into Donald Trump without directly naming him while also laying out her case for supporting Hillary Clinton as “one of the most qualified people who had ever endeavored to become president."
“No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency. Not Barack, not Bill, as he would say, nobody, and yes, she happens to be a woman,” the first lady said to a roaring applause at an event in Fairfax, Va.
“So, we can not afford squander this opportunity, particularly given the alternative. Because here is what we know: That being president isn't anything like reality TV. It is not about sending insulting tweets or making fiery speeches,” she continued.
The first lady, previously dubbed “the closer” for her effectiveness as a campaign surrogate during her husband’s presidential campaigns, was at one point interrupted by chants of “four more years” as she talked about the bittersweet feelings she is experiencing as her husband’s final term in office draws to a close.
As usual the First Lady knocked it out of the ballpark and reminded all of us just how amazing both she and her husband have been for this country.
And while she strongly spoke out in favor or electing Hillary Clinton she also reminded voters why they could NEVER even consider voting for her opponent.
“If a candidate is erratic and threatening, if a candidate traffics in project, fears, and lies on the trail, if a candidate has no clear plans to implement their goals, if they disrespect their fellow citizens including folks who made extraordinary sacrifices for our country, let me tell you, that is who they are,” she said.
And her endorsement of Hillary Clinton was full throated:
"When she didn't win the presidency in 2008, she didn't throw in the towel," the first lady said of Clinton. "She once again answered the call to serve, keeping us safe as our secretary of state. And let me tell you, Hillary has the resilience that it takes to do this job. See, because when she gets knocked down, she doesn't complain or cry foul. No, she gets right back up and she comes back stronger for the people who need her the most." "When I hear folks saying they're not inspired this this election, I disagree. I am inspired," she said, urging the crowd to register to vote and actually cast ballots for Clinton.
So much for those rumors of animosity between Hillary and Michelle.
And speaking of overblown rumors of friction, Bernie Sanders also hit the campaign trail for Clinton yesterday:
Asked about a New York Times/CBS News poll released Thursday showing that a third of voters under the age of 30 plan to vote for third-party candidates, Sanders offered his “pitch” to those younger voters, who overwhelmingly supported him in the Democratic primary.
“Look, I was a third-party candidate. I began my career running as a third party, getting 2 percent and then 1 percent,” Sanders said. “I'm the longest serving independent in the history of the U.S. Congress, but I think that before you cast a protest vote, because Clinton or Trump will be president, think hard about it. This is not a governor's race. It's not a state legislative race. This is the presidency of the United States.”
“And I would say to those people out there who are thinking of the protest vote, think about what the country looks like and whether you're comfortable with four years of a Trump presidency,” he continued.
Well Hillary herself may not be the best when it comes to campaigning, but damn when you include President Obama, Bill Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren into this mix, she certainly has the strongest group of surrogates that one could possibly hope for.
Making her campaign trail debut for Hillary Clinton, First Lady Michelle Obama ripped into Donald Trump without directly naming him while also laying out her case for supporting Hillary Clinton as “one of the most qualified people who had ever endeavored to become president."
“No one in our lifetime has ever had as much experience and exposure to the presidency. Not Barack, not Bill, as he would say, nobody, and yes, she happens to be a woman,” the first lady said to a roaring applause at an event in Fairfax, Va.
“So, we can not afford squander this opportunity, particularly given the alternative. Because here is what we know: That being president isn't anything like reality TV. It is not about sending insulting tweets or making fiery speeches,” she continued.
The first lady, previously dubbed “the closer” for her effectiveness as a campaign surrogate during her husband’s presidential campaigns, was at one point interrupted by chants of “four more years” as she talked about the bittersweet feelings she is experiencing as her husband’s final term in office draws to a close.
As usual the First Lady knocked it out of the ballpark and reminded all of us just how amazing both she and her husband have been for this country.
And while she strongly spoke out in favor or electing Hillary Clinton she also reminded voters why they could NEVER even consider voting for her opponent.
“If a candidate is erratic and threatening, if a candidate traffics in project, fears, and lies on the trail, if a candidate has no clear plans to implement their goals, if they disrespect their fellow citizens including folks who made extraordinary sacrifices for our country, let me tell you, that is who they are,” she said.
And her endorsement of Hillary Clinton was full throated:
"When she didn't win the presidency in 2008, she didn't throw in the towel," the first lady said of Clinton. "She once again answered the call to serve, keeping us safe as our secretary of state. And let me tell you, Hillary has the resilience that it takes to do this job. See, because when she gets knocked down, she doesn't complain or cry foul. No, she gets right back up and she comes back stronger for the people who need her the most." "When I hear folks saying they're not inspired this this election, I disagree. I am inspired," she said, urging the crowd to register to vote and actually cast ballots for Clinton.
So much for those rumors of animosity between Hillary and Michelle.
And speaking of overblown rumors of friction, Bernie Sanders also hit the campaign trail for Clinton yesterday:
Asked about a New York Times/CBS News poll released Thursday showing that a third of voters under the age of 30 plan to vote for third-party candidates, Sanders offered his “pitch” to those younger voters, who overwhelmingly supported him in the Democratic primary.
“Look, I was a third-party candidate. I began my career running as a third party, getting 2 percent and then 1 percent,” Sanders said. “I'm the longest serving independent in the history of the U.S. Congress, but I think that before you cast a protest vote, because Clinton or Trump will be president, think hard about it. This is not a governor's race. It's not a state legislative race. This is the presidency of the United States.”
“And I would say to those people out there who are thinking of the protest vote, think about what the country looks like and whether you're comfortable with four years of a Trump presidency,” he continued.
Well Hillary herself may not be the best when it comes to campaigning, but damn when you include President Obama, Bill Clinton, and Elizabeth Warren into this mix, she certainly has the strongest group of surrogates that one could possibly hope for.