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Sunday, 25 September 2016

Good news folks, Bristol Palin has marriage all figured out now.

Courtesy of Bristol's ghostwritten blog:

My marriage is far from perfect. Dakota and I learn things about each other everyday. Our parents and friends weren’t lying when they warned us that it will be work! I think we both understand that now. 

Nothing has been more difficult, and yet rewarding, than marriage. It reminds me so much of parenting. It’s hard at times, but also the greatest and most precious gift!

Bristol then goes on to offer up some marriage quote pablum that really does not offer anything of any use.

Like this one:

Yeah anybody who thinks that marriage is only about three things has never been married.

Now look I recognize that considering my unfortunate experience with marriage I am the last person to give anybody any advice, however one thing I do know is that after only three months of marriage, you know NOTHING about being married.

And just in case you are wondering why Bristol is working so hard to give the impression that everything in her marriage is going perfectly, it is because the exact opposite appears to be the case.

According to the buzz in Wasilla the honeymoon stage has come to a screeching halt and the fact that they are now stuck with each other has caused more than a little friction between the lovebirds.

And apparently those Gino texts did not help matters much.

However much like Sarah and Todd, Bristol and Dakota are determined not to give any tabloids (Or know it all bloggers) the pleasure of spouting "I told you so's"  so they are working to keep things on the down low in the hopes that everything will work out in the end.

Now before the inevitable trolls slither over here claiming that these are private people and should be left alone, let me remind them that this post is in response to Bristol's post about making a happy marriage.

If she does not want to be ridiculed and called out over her bullshit, then she should resist the urge to give parenting, abstinence, or marriage advice ever again. Because we know better.

Simply put you do not stand in front of your house encased in flames and give your neighbors fire safety tips.


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