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Friday, 25 August 2017

New Quinnipiac is devastating news for Donald Trump.

Trump's approval numbers have been dropping in every single poll that comes out lately, but this poll is perhaps the worst one thus far.

Courtesy of Quinnipiac: 

President Donald Trump is doing more to divide the country, 62 percent of voters say, while 31 percent say he is doing more to unite the country, his worst score on this question, according to a Quinnipiac University national poll released today. 

President Trump gets a negative 35 - 59 percent overall job approval rating, down from a negative 39 - 57 percent rating in an August 17 survey by the independent Quinnipiac (KWIN- uh-pe-ack) University. Every party, gender, education, age and racial group disapproves except Republicans, who approve 77 - 14 percent; white voters with no college, approving 52 - 40 percent, and white men, who approve by a narrow 50 - 46 percent. 

American voters disapprove 60 - 32 percent of Trump's response to the events in Charlottesville. 

Oh yeah it gets worse.

59% pf Americans believe that Trump has encouraged white supremacist groups.

55% say there is too much racism in the country these days, and 50% say prejudice against minority groups is a "very serious problem."

And all of this is laid directly at the feet of Donald Trump with 65% of those polled said that "the level of hatred and prejudice in the U.S. has increased" since he was elected.

"Elected on his strength as a deal-maker, but now overwhelmingly considered a divider, President Donald Trump has a big negative job approval rating and low scores on handling racial issues," said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll. 

And these numbers will not exactly thrill Trump either:  

President Trump does not provide the U.S. with moral leadership, American voters say 62 - 35 percent. Voter opinions of most Trump qualities remain low: 

61 - 36 percent that he is not honest; 
61 - 37 percent that he does not have good leadership skills; 
57 - 40 percent that he does not care about average Americans; 
68 - 29 percent that he is not level headed; 
59 - 38 percent that he is a strong person; 
55 - 43 percent that he is intelligent; 
63 - 34 percent that he does not share their values.

But possible the number that is going to REALLY get under Trump's skin is the 49% of Americans who think we would be better off with Hillary in the White House. 

Personally I think that number is much too low, but I have every confidence that it will be going up soon.


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