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Sunday, 4 September 2016

During interview FBI attempted to trick Hillary Clinton. It didn't work.

I have long felt that James Comey and the FBI were not huge fans of Hillary's and in fact went out of their way to suggest that she was guilty of recklessness when it came to her personal e-mail server.

Apparently I was correct.

Courtesy of ABC News:  

FBI Director James Comey recently said his agency could prove the presence of classified information in the e-mails but found no evidence to indicate that Clinton knew she was sending or receiving classified information — a conclusion reflected in the FBI documents released today. 

“Clinton did not recall receiving any emails she thought should not have been on an unclassified system,” reads a summary of the FBI’s findings from July. “She relied on State officials to use their judgment when emailing her and could not recall anyone raising concerns with her regarding the sensitivity of the information she received at her email address.” 

As Comey said before, three email chains with Clinton included at least one paragraph marked with a “(C),” indicating the paragraph contained confidential material. 

“Clinton stated she did not know what the ‘(C)’ meant at the beginning of the paragraphs and speculated it was referencing paragraphs marked in alphabetical order,” according to the FBI summary. 

In addition, the paragraphs were not properly marked, lacking a header or footer indicating they contained classified information. But before their interview with Clinton, FBI agents placed the appropriate header on one of the emails to see how she would respond. 

When confronted with the altered document, Clinton recognized the header and footer as indicating the presence of classified information, but she didn’t connect them to the “(C)” marking and said she didn’t think the email’s content was in fact classified. She questioned why it was marked as such, according to the FBI summary.

To be clear not only did the FBI determine after the fact that multiple e-mails contained classified information though they were not classified at the time they were sent, an accusation refuted by the State Department, but then during the interview they also attempted to trip Clinton up by falsely marking the header of one her e-mails to see if she recognized what it meant.

Not only did she recognize what the markings were, but she also determined that it was false and not reflective of the content of the e-mail.

In fact we have never been told exactly why those few passages were marked with a "C" for classified in the first place, or whether or not they should have been marked that way.

It also should be noted that for documents originating within the State Department the Secretary of State, in this case Hillary Clinton, has some control over what is, or is not, considered classified. So for many of them if she did not believe they were classified, then they weren't.

Also remember the fact that the folks sending the e-mails to Hillary's server were ultimately responsible for their content being stored on a "unsecured" server, so since Hillary did not forward those e-mails she herself took no action which put potentially classified information at risk.

And finally, and possibly most importantly, since there is NO evidence that Hillary's e-mail server was hacked, while the State Department's was, then the argument that information was less secure on her server is factually inaccurate.


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