(H/T to New York Magazine.)Trump: "No sniffles. No. You know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing, but there was no sniffles." http://pic.twitter.com/7snV2Av8Ve— Sopan Deb (@SopanDeb) September 27, 2016
No sniffles?
Gee I hate to call Donald Trump a liar, but...... But in Donald Trump's reality that never happened.
And hey do you remember during the debate when Doanld Trump bragged about not paying taxes?
During the first presidential debate, during a discussion about Donald Trump's refusal to release his tax returns, Hillary Clinton noted that he's "paid nothing in federal taxes" in recent years.
"That makes me smart," Trump bragged.
Well no you don't because it never happened.
Donald Trump an hour afterward:
Dana Bash (CNN): “My question for you is, first of all, it sounds like you admitted that you hadn't paid federal taxes and that that was smart. Is that what you meant to say?
Trump: “No, I didn't say that at all.”
Now see the thing to keep in mind here is that you cannot trust your eyes, your ears, of your critical thinking skills.
If Donald Trump does not say something happened, then it didn't happen.
In other words if a tree falls in the woods, and Donald Trump does not hear it fall, those woods have already been cut down to built another Trump monstrosity in New York City.
Source http://ift.tt/2duSOMA