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Tuesday, 6 September 2016

Donald Trump insider confirms that Trump TV is real.

Courtesy of the Washington Examiner:  

Trump's impending defeat is leading to a chorus of media speculation about his post-election plans. The two most oft-cited assumptions are: 

Trump will not quietly fade into the background. 

Trump will eventually launch a "Trump TV" media venture. 

After speaking with a well-informed Trump insider (name asked to be withheld), I can confirm that both assumptions are true.

Hah! I knew it!

And what will be the focus of "Trump TV?"

"Trump's new aim: Poison a Clinton presidency." 

So essentially Trump is planning to start peeing in Fox's backyard.

Which brings up the question, will Trump simply try to out Right Wing the current Right Wing news outlet?

And in response will Fox News become more CNN-like and reach for the more moderate viewers?

Or will they just double down on crazy and give Sarah Palin her own show along with David Duke, Alex Jones, and  Matt Drudge?

It would seem to me that Fox is between a rock and a hard place, and if they do not evolve in one direction of the other they could cease to exist entirely.

Really the best thing they have going for them is that everything Trump touches eventually turns to shit, so if they can just wait Trump out they might survive to report lies about the Clinton presidency another day.


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