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Sunday, 26 June 2016

Conservative columnist George Will has left the Republican party in response to Donald Trump's nomination. I imagine he will certainly not be the last to do so.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Longtime conservative columnist George Will says he has left the Republican Party because of Donald Trump. 

“This is not my party,” he said during a Friday speech to the Federalist Society, according to the conservative-leaning outlet PJ Media. 

Will said he has switched his Maryland voter registration to "unaffiliated." 

When asked in an interview later what message he had for GOP voters, Will suggested they resign themselves to not winning the presidency in November. 

“Make sure he loses. Grit their teeth for four years and win the White House,” he said.

Actually since Donald Trump is essentially Sarah Palin with even phonier hair we should not be surprised with George Will's decision.

After all back in 2011 he had this to say about a Palin run at the White House: 

“The threshold question, not usually asked, but it’s in everyone’s mind in a presidential election. ‘Should we give this person nuclear weapons?’ And the answer [in Palin’s case], answers itself.”

Impossible to believe he does not feel exactly the same way about Donald Trump having access to the nuclear codes.

Which, by the way, is exactly how all of us should feel.


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