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Monday, 12 September 2016

David Duke, Trump supporter and former grand dragon of the KKK, claims that Hillary Clinton is an agent of "White Genocide." Can she start with him?

David Duke. Typical Donald Trump supporter. No, really!
Courtesy of Angry White Men:

On the September 7, 2016 episode of his radio show, David Duke and co-host Jay Hess hyped black-on-white crimes and accused Hillary Clinton of being an architect of “white genocide.” As Hess put it, Clinton “represents the forces of white genocide” and is “definitely a traitor to her people” who doesn’t care if white people are “outbred.”

With that, Duke segued into the argument that white people are being targeted for non-white violence. He insisted that there are “hundreds of thousands of white victims of massive non-white crime.” He went on to say that:

"When a person goes to the store, they go to the mall, or they drive somewhere in their car and they break down, or they stop at a traffic light and they might get hijacked, nine times out of ten it’s not gonna be some white guy hijacking their car. It’s not gonna be a white guy kidnapping them at the Walmart, right? And, you know, taking their family and slaughtering them, or robbing them or raping the women. That’s just the reality of life in this country."

For the record I live in lily white Alaska and when somebody here gets robbed, raped, or kidnapped it is more often than not a white guy.

Like David Duke. 

Crime is crime, and ethnicity has little to do with it.

Often it is the result of poverty, or a lack of education, or a sense of hopelessness.

Yes sometimes those things are found in African American communities, but also in poor Hispanic communities, in poverty stricken Asian communities, and yes in poor mostly Caucasian communities.

The idea that crime is determined by race is a White Nationalist meme that has little fact to back it up.

And there are also no facts to back up Duke's assertion that Hillary Clinton is a self loathing agent of white genocide.


It looks like someone is bucking to be added to that "basket of deplorables."


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