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Tuesday, 30 August 2016

Trump supporter tweets racist cartoon of Hillary Clinton in blackface. Surprise twist: He's a black pastor.

Courtesy of Chron: 

An African-American supporter of Donald Trump tweeted a cartoon on Monday of Hillary Clinton in blackface, seemingly mocking her outreach to black voters. 

"Black Americans, THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES and letting me use you again .. See you again in 4 years," Pastor Mark Burns tweeted Monday. The tweet was later deleted. 

The photo attached has Clinton, with her face painted black, standing in front of a podium holding a sign reading, "#@!* the police" and "I ain't no ways tired of pandering to African-Americans." 

At first Burns tried to defend the tweet:

"I am standing behind that picture," Burns said. "We as African-Americans, we need to make Democrats fight for our vote. We need to make them fight for us. We need to make them do what they say they are gonna do, because we are just as valuable as every race in the great state of the United States of America and we're not treated that way."

And then Burns also tweeted this image:

Yes, that's a photoshopped image and has nothing to do with Bill and Hillary.

Later Burns, or perhaps somebody in the campaign, decided that he better apologize:  

CNN's Alisyn Camerota prefaced her question with Burns by remarking, "This is allegedly, it claimed to be of Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton in black face. This is not true. This has been disproven and debunked time and again. This has surfaced in previous presidential races. So why share it?" 

"Well, obviously you know I think in reference to that particular post — of course, I didn't have the correct information knowing that it wasn't Bill Clinton," Burns said in an interview with CNN's "New Day." "And I apologize for that as well, for posting incorrect information. Again, I think that's what the true message of grace is, that you know once you discover new information, you are quickly to change your opinion and get back on the right path. And that's what I'm doing right now to the whole world, is to say, listen, in my sincere heart of hearts, my job as a pastor is to draw people together, not push them away." 

Burns added that once he realized "how it was pulling people apart," he regretted retweeting the image, which was still on his Twitter page at the time of the interview. 

"But we need to begin to see each other just as Americans and really, really stop focusing on the things that divide us," Burns continued. "And that message was a divisive message. And once I discovered how divisive it was — this is not the campaign talking, this is not somebody yelling in my ear saying you need to take that down or this is Mark Burns all by himself, who truly loves people. And I love this country and I believe in Donald Trump for president." 

You know I would actually argue that it is impossible to "love this country" and then "believe in Donald Trump for president." 

I swear the only non-white male supporters that Donald Trump can find to defend his campaign are self loathing women, and racist against minorities minorities.


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