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Wednesday, 3 August 2016

Time to straighten out some facts about Splitsville. With assistance from Levi Johnston.

So as most of you know the 2009 post "Splitsville" was one of my biggest and most controversial posts of all time.

It was packed with all sorts of explosive and at that time unknown information about Sarah Palin, her marriage, and her plans for the future.

Unfortunately as it turns out much of it was also bullshit.

As most of you already know my source for the Splitsville story was Tank Jones who I had hired as a private investigator.

There is always a risk going with a single source on a story, but since Jones was both a well respected and licensed private investigator with unfettered access to Levi Johnston, there was literally no reason to question the "facts" that he was sharing with me.

At the time of the post Sarah Palin had essentially disappeared from Twitter and Facebook and people were wondering what was going on behind the scenes.

My post filled in a gap left by her sudden silence.

As time went on I became aware that some of the things that I predicted in the post did not come to pass, and that some of the things that Tank shared with me were never backed up with facts from any other news outlets or even gossip sites.

However until I talked with Levi I was never sure which things were for sure incorrect, and which things were true but never confirmed.

So let's just go through the post and knock them out one by one.

The first one, and the biggest reveal, was that Sarah and Todd were planning to end their marriage.

According to Levi yes that was accurate, and it was something that they argued and threatened each other with all of the time.

In fact the reason why the post blew up the way that it did is because my friend Dennis Zaki, who had home phone numbers for some of Palin's former staff members, was able to confirm that the story of their marriage falling apart was well known within that tight circle.

Of course the marriage remains, on the surface, still intact. However I have heard from other sources, not Levi, that the marriage is all for show and that part of the reason they will not simply get a divorce is because Palin refuses to give me, and others, the satisfaction of knowing we were right.

(Actually to be honest I find this staying together to spite me even more satisfying.)

The land purchase in Montana.

Yeah, that was bullshit. I have no idea why Tank told me that, but according to Levi he never heard them talk about it. And of course they ended up buying land in Arizona not Montana.

The missing wedding ring thrown into Lake Lucille.

Levi has no idea where that story came from, but it did not come from him.

(He did confirm the portion about loud arguments and Sarah's emotional distress however.)

The story of the Todd pulling a gun on Levi.

Now this one is particularly upsetting because even before I talked to Tank about the story, and had it confirmed by him, I was asked by another reporter in town whether I had heard it or not. Based on the fact that it was heard by others and Tank confirmed it, I felt confident in reporting it on the blog.

I should not have done so, because according to Levi it never happened.

In fact though things were strained between Levi and Todd on several occasions for the most part he always liked Todd.

In the post I also mentioned Levi's upcoming Vanity Fair article, which up until then nobody had heard about. In that article Levi confirmed a number of things mentioned on the Splitsville post.

The final part of the post was about Sherry Johnston's conviction for selling Oxycontin and yes Levi, along with his whole family, believe that Palin set her up.

Levi does not like to talk about that much, but my take is that he feels that it was a warning as to what Palin was willing to do to keep him in line.

In many ways Levi remains intimidated by the Palins and is afraid of what they might do in retaliation for things that he talks about publicly.

For all of you who are constantly complaining about folks in Alaska not divulging secrets about the Sarah Palin and her family, just imagine hearing how people were jailed, or fired, or run out of town for doing so, and you might understand why certain people in the know might decide it was better simply to keep that information to themselves.

Now I have more posts coming on this topic, but with all that is happening in politics, and the requirements from my actual job, I do not have the hours needed to devote to them right now.

I will post them when I can.


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