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Monday, 8 August 2016

Newest post convention polls show Hillary leading Trump by 10 points. A lead she is likely to hold, and possibly expand.

Courtesy of CNN:

The post-convention polls are in, and they consistently show Hillary Clinton entering the next phase of the presidential election campaign with the upper hand over Donald Trump. 

The CNN Poll of Polls incorporating the results of six major polls -- all conducted after the party conventions concluded in late July -- finds Clinton with an average of 49% support to Trump's 39%. When third party candidates Gary Johnson and Jill Stein are included, the margin remains the same, with both candidates losing the same amount of support to land at 45% for Clinton to 35% for Trump, with Johnson at 9% and Stein at 5%. 

The new averages reflect a sharp increase in support for Clinton compared with pre-convention polls. The last CNN Poll of Polls, analyzing the results of five national, live-interviewer telephone polls conducted before the GOP convention began, found Clinton ahead 45% to 41%.

That poll also includes the one out of Georgia which shows Hillary leading Trump by 7 points.

That's right folks, by seven points in Georgia of all places. And here I thought there was no way I could be jealous of Georgia.

This goes hand in hand with news of even more Republicans coming out in support of Clinton including a former aide to George W. Bush and the former governor of Michigan.

The always amazing Nate Silver now gives Hillary a 78.7 % chance of winning the White House, but remember folks that is only true if people turn out and vote.

Personally at this point I don't see now anybody sits this one out.


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