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Monday, 22 February 2016

I think my new favorite thing is watching Fox News bitch that Hillary Clinton will not talk to them.

Courtesy of Politicususa: 

This was not the first time that Wallace has whined on the air about being frozen out. In May of 2015, Wallace unleashed a pouty barrage on the air and admitted that President Obama won’t let people from the White House go on Fox News Sunday. 

President Obama and former Sec. of State Clinton have been subjected to relentless attacks by Fox News. There is no way that Clinton is going to give Fox or any of its shows the time of day unless it is on her terms. The message that the Clinton campaign is sending is that Fox News is going to pay for their years of lies about the former Sec. of State.

How unreasonable of Hillary Clinton not to grant an interview with the cable news outlet that has been attacking her, and her husband, non-stop since the day they first went on the air. 

I hope that after she wins the election she NEVER goes on Fox and they just shrivel up with jealousy that every other news outlet gets access except for them.

To his credit President Obama has agreed to interviews on Fox and they have been incredibly disrespectful hack jobs that in a REAL news agency would see the interviewers fired immediately.

So fuck Fox News.


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