Courtesy of Failing Palin's Facebook page:
Leftists throw down the race card in a despicable manner in order to distract from revelations of crony corruption on steroids within the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's State Department.
Donald J. Trump was NEVER called a "racist" or a "bigot" until he chose to run against the anointed democrat leader, Hillary Clinton. (That's not true.) For decades, Trump has enjoyed close relationships with Americans of all races, colors, creeds, genders, and demographic. (Yes he hires them to make the beds, hold the doors, and clean the bathrooms in his hotels. And he hired the undocumented ones for demolition duty.) The same media covering his relationships with his diverse friends, colleagues and competitors just got sucked in to the Left's politics of personal destruction by not holding Hillary accountable for her sinfully false accusation of racism in the Trump camp.
Out here in the real world full of hardworking Americans who believe that all men are created equal, recognize it's only in the sick world of politics that we are divided into groups of blacks, whites, native, aboriginal... this, that, and everything else that would hyphenate America.
It's beyond the pale that Hillary slaps the "racist" label on Trump, thus labeling his supporters the same, for this is the politician who called one of the most renowned former KKK members & recruiter - the late democrat US Senator Robert Byrd - her friend, her mentor and a man of "eloquence and nobility"! That's the pot calling the kettle black, eh, Hillary? (Isn't "pot calling the kettle black" just a little racist in this context?)
To Clinton supporters singing, "I'm with her!", please explain how flying with Byrd and Hillary - and the likes of Jeremiah Wright and any other individual thriving on division - will cause America to soar in unity. The jabs Hillary took today seek to divide our nation, which, if gone unanswered, media, will befall us all.
Just for the record Robert Byrd was ashamed of his racist past and apologized numerous times for it:
"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
Byrd's brush with racism also occurred back in the 1940's and early 50's, not in 2016.
So hey if Trump is willing to apologize for his behaviors and disavow his racist followers then I guess we can all call it good, right?
Wait, what's that?
By the way all Hillary did was read off Breitbart news headlines and use Doanld Trump quotes to call him out, kind of hard to make the case that she is lying or making things up. (You can read a transcript of her remarks here.)
And it of course had the desired effect:

Leftists throw down the race card in a despicable manner in order to distract from revelations of crony corruption on steroids within the Clinton Foundation and Hillary's State Department.
Donald J. Trump was NEVER called a "racist" or a "bigot" until he chose to run against the anointed democrat leader, Hillary Clinton. (That's not true.) For decades, Trump has enjoyed close relationships with Americans of all races, colors, creeds, genders, and demographic. (Yes he hires them to make the beds, hold the doors, and clean the bathrooms in his hotels. And he hired the undocumented ones for demolition duty.) The same media covering his relationships with his diverse friends, colleagues and competitors just got sucked in to the Left's politics of personal destruction by not holding Hillary accountable for her sinfully false accusation of racism in the Trump camp.
Out here in the real world full of hardworking Americans who believe that all men are created equal, recognize it's only in the sick world of politics that we are divided into groups of blacks, whites, native, aboriginal... this, that, and everything else that would hyphenate America.
It's beyond the pale that Hillary slaps the "racist" label on Trump, thus labeling his supporters the same, for this is the politician who called one of the most renowned former KKK members & recruiter - the late democrat US Senator Robert Byrd - her friend, her mentor and a man of "eloquence and nobility"! That's the pot calling the kettle black, eh, Hillary? (Isn't "pot calling the kettle black" just a little racist in this context?)
To Clinton supporters singing, "I'm with her!", please explain how flying with Byrd and Hillary - and the likes of Jeremiah Wright and any other individual thriving on division - will cause America to soar in unity. The jabs Hillary took today seek to divide our nation, which, if gone unanswered, media, will befall us all.
Just for the record Robert Byrd was ashamed of his racist past and apologized numerous times for it:
"I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."
Byrd's brush with racism also occurred back in the 1940's and early 50's, not in 2016.
So hey if Trump is willing to apologize for his behaviors and disavow his racist followers then I guess we can all call it good, right?
Wait, what's that?
By the way all Hillary did was read off Breitbart news headlines and use Doanld Trump quotes to call him out, kind of hard to make the case that she is lying or making things up. (You can read a transcript of her remarks here.)
And it of course had the desired effect:
Just watched recap of #CrookedHillary's speech. Very short and lies. She is the only one fear-mongering!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2016
Hillary Clinton's short speech is pandering to the worst instincts in our society. She should be ashamed of herself!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2016
And then today:Hillary Clinton is using race-baiting to try to get African-American voters- but they know she is all talk and NO ACTION!— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 25, 2016
Hillary Clinton holds up the hoop, and Donald Trump jumps his tubby ass right through it.I am very proud to have brought the subject of illegal immigration back into the discussion. Such a big problem for our country-I will solve— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) August 26, 2016