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Sunday, 3 December 2017

Barack Obama says that if he'd watched Fox New he would not have voted for himself either.

Courtesy of The Hill: 

Speaking at the Hindustan Times Leadership Summit in New Delhi, Obama took shots at the network, which is widely criticized for its negative coverage of Democrats. 

In discussing social media and traditional media outlets, Obama said that networks like Fox News have created “information silos,” where different groups of people are getting different information based on what they consume. 

“Those who watch Fox News and those who read The New York Times occupy completely different realities,” he said. 

He pointed specifically to Fox News, saying that the network portrays him “in weird ways.” 

“If I watch Fox News, I wouldn’t vote for me,” he said. “I would watch it and say who is that guy? This character Barack was portrayed in weird ways. It is all edited and shaped. ... The point is, you get multiple realities.”

This is absolutely dead on. The President Obama as presented by Fox News seemed to have absolutely no similarity to the one that existed in the real world.

And that is also true of their characterization of Hillary Clinton, who in their eyes appeared to be a cold hearted criminal, incapable of telling the truth.

Fox New is of course Donald Trump's cable news outlet of choice, because they are essentially Trump TV these days, and before that they worked as a propaganda arm of the Republican party.

I actually do not think that Fox News should be allowed to call itself a "news" outlet or to be invited to cover political events as journalists.

In fact the only reason they should be invited to the White House Correspondent's Dinner is to park the cars and bring drinks to the actual reporters who show up for the celebration.


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