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Monday, 22 August 2016

Hillary Clinton's new campaign ad uses Trump's words against him, again.

Okay I'm not going to lie that kind of freaks me out a little.

I try really hard to not think about Donald Trump as President, and that ad just brought all of my fears right to the surface.

Thankfully as of right now the polls are showing that even if Jesus himself came down to endorse Donald Trump he would probably lose the election.

In fact the Clinton campaign is so confident that they are not even going to bother to run ads in the swing states of Virginia and Colorado.

And that confidence is understandable since Hillary is now tied with Trump in Georgia which has not voted Democratic since 1992. You know, when Hillary's husband was on the ballot.

Yeah well confidence is fine, but over confidence is how that racist conservative turtle beat that totally awesome progressive hare in THEIR race. 


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