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Saturday, 21 May 2016

Supporters of Bernie Sanders are securing permits to hold protest rallies outside the Democratic National Convention. Oh goody.

Courtesy of TPM: 

Supporters of Sen. Bernie Sanders' (I-VT) presidential campaign have secured permits to hold rallies near the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday. 

The Sanders backers, who are not officially associated with the campaign, got a four-day permit for rallies at FDR Park, which is located next to the convention venue, the Wells Fargo Center. The city anticipates 30,000 people will attend the gathering, and the organizers told the Wall Street Journal that they're hoping for more. 

Backers of Sanders have also obtained permits for three separate rallies at Thomas Paine Plaza, which is located farther from the Wells Fargo Center, according to the Wall Street Journal.

This going to be a shit storm.

I wonder how many of Sander's supporters will end the night sitting in a jail cell after the riot that is almost certainly going to take place when Sanders loses the nomination?

Some of them already went all torch and pitchforky over a Facebook post by Robert Reich suggesting that if Sanders loses that they should all work hard to elect Hillary Clinton.

Eugene Robinson of the Washington Post expresses this very real concern:

Bernie Sanders is playing a dangerous game. If he and his campaign continue their scorched-earth attacks against the Democratic Party, they will succeed in only one thing: electing Donald Trump as president.

Lindsey Graham of all people recognizes that he has seen all of this before.
And so has Ron Paul:

Former Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) said he feels a “kinship” with Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders, noting that the two occasionally agree on some policies and oppose favors to the corporate world.

The "Paulites" as they are often called were actually successful in taking over the Alaska Republican party for a brief time, before the GOP establishment wrested it out of their control and sent them packing.

I wonder if that is the future for the "Bernie Sanders' movement?" Or if after going on a rampage in Philadelphia, and becoming completely frustrated with the real sausage making of politics,  they will simply disappear back into the ether?

I can tell you what they are not likely to do at this point, and that is to vote for Hillary Clinton.

And no that does NOT mean that Hillary should choose Bernie Sanders as her running mate. In fact I am absolutely certain that she will lose more votes if she does.


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