Courtesy of New York Magazine:
Republicans are growing more and more alarmed about the prospect of losing the House of Representatives in November, which would break the party’s stranglehold on unified power in Washington. (Senate control is more of a longshot for Democrats, but if the ball bounces the right way, it’s within grasp as well.)
A senior Republican on Capitol Hill told ABC News, “If the election were held today, the House would be gone. Fortunately, the election is not today.”
These concerns have made their way to President Trump. The Washington Post reported on Sunday that “the concern has grown so acute that Trump received what one congressional aide described as a ‘sobering’ slide presentation about the difficult midterm landscape at Camp David last weekend, leading the president to pledge a robust schedule of fundraising and campaign travel in the coming months.”
The problem with Trump’s plan is that, much as he may deny it, he is a primary, if not the primary, reason for the Republicans’ plight. The president’s approval rating continues to hover in the high 30s, a dismal number considering the country’s humming economy. And, as is his wont, Trump keeps making a spectacle out of himself and his party, as he did this week with his “shithole” comment and a series of other missteps you probably don’t even remember a few days after the fact.
I REALLY hope that Trump shows up all over the country to "help" GOP candidates, as that will insure Democratic victories in places that the Dems are struggling.
I almost hesitate to share this information becasue I do not want the Democrats to become complacent.
Remember predictions of victory only come true if we actually show up to vote.
Democrats are notorious for skipping the midterms, but this year we need to show up by the truckloads, because if we take back both the House and the Senate, we essentially render Trump powerless.
And even if he gets impeached and replaced by Mike Pence, the destructive GOP agenda will still grind to a halt.
Republicans are growing more and more alarmed about the prospect of losing the House of Representatives in November, which would break the party’s stranglehold on unified power in Washington. (Senate control is more of a longshot for Democrats, but if the ball bounces the right way, it’s within grasp as well.)
A senior Republican on Capitol Hill told ABC News, “If the election were held today, the House would be gone. Fortunately, the election is not today.”
These concerns have made their way to President Trump. The Washington Post reported on Sunday that “the concern has grown so acute that Trump received what one congressional aide described as a ‘sobering’ slide presentation about the difficult midterm landscape at Camp David last weekend, leading the president to pledge a robust schedule of fundraising and campaign travel in the coming months.”
The problem with Trump’s plan is that, much as he may deny it, he is a primary, if not the primary, reason for the Republicans’ plight. The president’s approval rating continues to hover in the high 30s, a dismal number considering the country’s humming economy. And, as is his wont, Trump keeps making a spectacle out of himself and his party, as he did this week with his “shithole” comment and a series of other missteps you probably don’t even remember a few days after the fact.
I REALLY hope that Trump shows up all over the country to "help" GOP candidates, as that will insure Democratic victories in places that the Dems are struggling.
I almost hesitate to share this information becasue I do not want the Democrats to become complacent.
Remember predictions of victory only come true if we actually show up to vote.
Democrats are notorious for skipping the midterms, but this year we need to show up by the truckloads, because if we take back both the House and the Senate, we essentially render Trump powerless.
And even if he gets impeached and replaced by Mike Pence, the destructive GOP agenda will still grind to a halt.