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Monday, 21 November 2016

Megyn Kelly states that certain TV hosts were "play acting" when they interviewed Donald Trump. Sean Hannity immediately takes offense.

(Pertinent portion starts at the 2:00 mark.)

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Kurtz recounts from her book the charge that there were pro-Donald Trump TV hosts who “would arrange with Trump in advance to ask him certain critical questions or do certain hits on him so they would appear to have some credibility.”

He asked if she means they were “play-acting.” Kelly responded, “Yes. It was acting.

”She confirmed it happened at more than one network, but could not divulge any more information. “But trust me,” she added, ‘this did happen, and it’s been confirmed to me by more than one television executive.”

Now you will notice that Kelly did not name any one TV host, nor even identify the station they may or may not have worked for.

However somebody got a wee bit defensive. And by "wee bit" I mean lost their shit completely.
Damn, talk about having no poker face.

Sean Hannity might as well have Oh God she's talking about me!" tattooed across his forehead.

However to be fair I don't think that he is alone.

I think that Bill O'Reilly, most of the other talking heads on Fox, and Joe Scarborough from MSNBC are also guilty of play acting as well.


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