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Friday, 5 August 2016

From the official Twitter account for the Riverside County Republican Party. Well that's not nice.

Courtesy of The Press Enterprise:

Two tweets from the official Twitter account for the Riverside County Republican Party featured illustrations of a hangman holding a noose with the words, “I’m Ready for Hillary,” below. 

The portrait of the masked hangman features gallows with two other empty nooses in the background. The hangman wears an axe at this side and blood is visible on his shirt and apron. The tweets, dated Wednesday, Aug. 3, were sent in response to another Twitter user who tweeted a picture of a man holding a “Republicans for Hillary” sign. The user asked where the signs could be obtained. 

Two pictures of the hangman were sent. The second included the caption: “sorry they never arrived but this is pretty popular.” 

The tweets had been removed from the GOP account as of 2 p.m. Wednesday.

Of course later the chairman of the Riverside County Republican Party apologize, but most likely only because the tweets attracted negative publicity. 

You know the media keeps talking about what a train wreck the Doanld Trump campaign is and what a shame that is for the Republicans party.

But that is really bullshit.

This right here IS the Republican party. A party just bulging at the seam with misogynists and racists.

All Donald Trump did was lure them out of the woodwork.

Just like Sarah Palin did before him.


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