Wait, the Oath Keepers was founded by a pirate? |
While speaking with Alex Jones last week, Oath Keepers founder Stewart Rhodes said that his militia group is prepared to fight the supposed alliance between liberals, Black Lives Matter activists, anarchists, gangs, drug cartels and jihadists determined “to destroy western civilization.”
Rhodes boasted that his extremist group is “starting student chapters on college campuses across the country,” while Jones warned that college student bodies today are dominated by violent Maoists bent on killing their adversaries.
The Oath Keepers leader had a warning for any student who tried to burn the American flag: “You’re going to get stomped. That’s what’s going to happen to them. I know a lot of veterans, the first time they see some radical leftist trampling on a flag or burning a flag, they’re going to kick their ass. I know you can say it’s free speech, but the veteran doesn’t care about that. In his mind, it’s not free speech, that’s not protected speech, it’s incitement to violence so he’s going to go ahead and use it.”
“When someone gets in your face and wants to use violence, like that one commissar who was screaming and screeching for ‘muscle,’ ‘Bring some muscle over here, I need muscle,’ people like that, we have no sympathy for, so when she gets what’s coming to her and those like her, well that’s just the way it goes,” Rhodes continued. “When someone does defend themselves and they get stomped, of course they’ll screech and call them ‘racist’ and ‘fascist’ and ‘brownshirts’ but they brought it on themselves so I just have no sympathy for them.”
There is a part of me that would secretly enjoy watching a bunch of these overfed white dudes wading into a group of young black men, or women, and attempt to "kick their ass."
But since these "real men" tend to carry guns on them at all times to prove their manhood, that could be ugly.
Later in the exchange Alex Jones claimed to have a "mole" inside "the Democrats" who was telling him about planned false flag operations, and that Muslims in the country are preparing a "western Tet Offensive" which is completely believable it you are OUT OF YOUR FUCKING MIND!
Source http://ift.tt/26bsZ60