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Sunday, 28 August 2016

Even though the Republicans cannot bring themselves to support Doanld Trump. they still intend to block everything Hillary Clinton tries to accomplish when she becomes President.

You bastards!
Courtesy of Raw Story:  

Politico reports that Republicans who feel that Donald Trump is a doomed nominee are already looking past the election in November in order to make plans to block Hillary Clinton from doing anything that might remotely resemble a progressive agenda. 

One GOP operative tells Politico that it will work to block her Supreme Court nominees by targeting vulnerable Democrats who live in states where her agenda is unpopular. 

“Take Joe Manchin in West Virginia,” the operative said. “If Hillary puts up an anti-coal pro-EPA judge for the Supreme Court, the smart play is to start pressuring him with an advocacy campaign to vote no.” 

Another anonymous GOP staffer, meanwhile, pledged to use the same obstructionist tactics against Clinton that the party has used with such success against President Obama. 

“If she wins, her four years will look a lot like the last six years of Obama,” the staffer said. “She’s talking about things the president couldn’t get done, why does she think she will have more luck?” 

And Dan Holler, communications director at the conservative Heritage Action for America, says that he sees no reason for Republicans to do anything she wants. 

“There is a long history of Republicans opposing pretty much everything Hillary Clinton has done, from trying to reform healthcare in the 1990s to what she was doing as secretary of state,” he said. “There’s a long memory there.”

Yeah, but it really does not make any difference whether it is Hillary or not. 

The Republicans realize that right now they cannot win the White House, so if they are going to the the opposition party they are going to turn that opposition up to eleven.

It used to irritate me to no end that certain folks had convinced themselves that Bernie Sanders would be able to push through progress policies easier than Hillary Clinton.

Really? On what planet would that happen?

All the Republicans would have to do is start throwing around the word "socialist" and not one GOP Congressman or Senator would have anything to do with it, and any Democrat from a district or state that was not dark navy blue would stay as far away from Bernie as humanly possible.

In many ways Hillary is in a similar predicament except that she more politically adept and knows how things work in Washington better than just about anybody.

Still the only way to ensure that we do not start this next presidency by reliving the last he years of the Obama presidency is to help the Democrats take back control of the Senate.

And that is not only doable, but it is becoming more and more likely.


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