Courtesy of the New Civil Rights Movement:.@tperkins talking to the press abt today's GOP platform Meeting #RNCinCLE— JP Duffy (@JPDuffy) July 11, 2016
Republican National Committee subcommittee members Monday voted to approve a plank embracing the use of harmful anti-LGBT conversion therapy, after it was introduced by the head of a certified anti-gay hate group. The plank will be voted on by a committee and then all RNC voting members before becoming an official part of the 2016 platform.
Family Research Council president Tony Perkins, an RNC delegate, Monday morning met with RNC chair Reince Priebus, reportedly to discuss including the call to support medically dangerous efforts that claim to change a person's sexual orientation.
Of course as many of you know this whole "conversion therapy" consists mostly of shaming the young gay person for their "sinful" feelings and frightening them with eternal damnation if they do not renounce their devil inspired perversions and instead embrace the only lifestyle accepted by their church, parents, and peers.
Other language in the draft of the party platform includes retaining the opposition to abortion rights, including Trump's tough anti-trade rhetoric, and doing away with the pushing for a Constitutional Amendment that would define marriage as being only between a man and a woman.
There was also a part in there about pornography: Republican delegates unanimously adopted an amendment to their draft platform Monday morning that called pornography “a public health crisis” and a “public menace” that is destroying lives.
Holy Meese Commission Batman!
If it is any consolation, much like the Democratic party platform, there is no guarantee that a President Trump, or any other GOP politicians would push for any of these policies, despite their inclusion on the platform.
Think of it as a blueprint which numerous political hopefuls will borrow from to drum up support from the base, but which most of them will completely forget about the minute they are sworn in.
Still the very fact of its inclusion gives us an idea of where the Republican party stands on the issues.
And clearly, for the most part, that it still somewhere back in 1955.