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Thursday, 21 July 2016

Republican party convention final night open thread.

(So do we think that Melania learned her lesson and will be let out of her cage so that she can rejoin the rest of the family tonight?)

By the way apparently they are taking no chances with Trump's speech tonight.

Courtesy of TPM:

Donald Trump's campaign team is reportedly checking and rechecking the speech he will give Thursday at the Republican National Convention to make sure it isn't plagiarized, The New York Times reported. 

The Times reported that by early Tuesday, passages in Trump's speech that had been inspired by outside sources had to be rewritten or attributed.

Bummer! I was really hoping that we would hear a recycled version of President Obama's acceptance speech tonight.

I always liked that speech.

Personally I think that after watching this slow motion train wreck disintegrate across my TV screen this week, that Hillary Clinton could stand at the podium all four nights of the Democratic convention making fart noises with her hands and STILL come off as far more classy than the Republicans have in their convention.

Actually I think this about summed up the GOP convention thus far.

"Sieg He....I mean Hi everybody." 
Nice catch there Laura Ingraham but we watched those old newsreels from Germany in the 1930's.

Jerry Springer made a rather obvious observation as well.
Yeah, I cannot even imagine how more fucked up all of this could be, but at this point if Trump grabbed his daughter Ivanka right there on the stage and started banging her in front of the whole audience like he has always wanted to I would probably not be surprised.


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