From Bristol's now obviously ghostwritten blog:
(I am going to go ahead and address these as if they were written by Bristol Palin, even though we all know that they were not, as indicated by the lack of the "F" word and the phrase "haters.")
1. Her husband’s scandal with Monica Lewinsky shows the character and morals of the family that would be leading our country.
(Is there not an entire book written about your father's pimping activities?)
2. Hillary is part of the same old “Machine” that got us where we are now which is – $19,400,940,249,000 dollars in debt.
(Well this is a completely ridiculous charge as Hillary had nothing to do with the budget while serving as Secretary of State. However if the slam is directed at the fact that she understands how Washington works, then that would be a positive and not a negative.)
3. Hillary’s stance on the 2nd amendment – We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Our constitution is what founded our country. It should be protected, not changed. Hillary thinks we should do what Australia did.
(Actually Hillary has never said we should follow Australia's example. But if she did I think a lot of Americans might see that as a positive.)
4. Hillary’s stance on pro life. This is what she said about it – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today that “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”
.. You all know how pro life I am to the core. I want a president who will value life – who will protect all life.
(Pro-life to the core?)
(Sure about that?)
5. Hillary’s inconsistencies of her views. It shows her lack of a backbone – she has none!! She just says what people want to hear. “I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman” – that was Hillary Clinton in 2000. Here is more of what she said her stance on same sex marriage in 2004. It was only in 2013 when she truly changed her stance on this issue in particular.
(Yeah you know back in 2000 EVERY politician stood up for traditional marriage, including President Obama who is arguably the most pro-LGBT president in American history. It is called changing your opinion based on facts, something the Palin clan knows nothing about.)
6. She obviously can’t be trusted with confidential information – look at her handling the government’s confidential emails! As Secretary of State she should have been held to the highest standard. She should be treated like others who hold government positions and held accountable for her all of her actions. She (nor anyone else on any side of the political spectrum) should not be ABOVE THE LAW.
(She was treated like others, that is why every person in the State Department and in other branches of the government are not all being charged with the mishandling of confidential information right now. The use of non-secure e-mail servers is rampant in government and something with needs to be addressed moving forward.)
7. The last time she left the White House it was left a mess and missing over $190,000.00 in taxpayer’s property!
(Yeah, that's bullshit.)
8. Hillary’s special interests. I saw the best quote the other day, that I think fits perfectly with Hillary; “Congress should wear NASCAR suits so we know who’s sponsoring them” – Hmm, nearly $22,000,000.00 in speeches in 2013-2015 alone.
(Just jealous that nobody want to pay your mother or you anywhere near that sum to hear you butcher the English language.)
9. Hillary can’t call it how it is – she is always pussyfooting around the facts. She doesn’t want to offend anyone – if it is an attack from ISIS – it needs to be called an attack from ISIS. Which brings me to her most corrupt actions…
(It's called diplomacy and not jumping to conclusions, two more things the Palin clan will never understand.)
10. Benghazi – Hillary let four of our American’s to die during the attacks in Benghazi. She wouldn’t send help to save Ambassador Stevens, or the three other American’s that died on September 11th, 2012. If my husband was overseas I would NOT want her to be our commander in chief. Hillary Clinton has special interests, she doesn’t value our constitution or value life, for that I won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton for president.
And of course this final charge proves that Bristol, her insane mother, and the GOP have nothing.
I mean seriously, Benghazi?
Now I know what many of you want to say, "Gryphen you know Bristol did not write this so why are you even addressing it?"
Good question.
But the answer to that question is because I firmly believe that Dakota Meyer is being groomed for political office, and that part of that packaging is a newly politically active wife by his side.
So talking about this now, and addressing the hypocrisy and ignorance of both Bristol and her newest baby daddy, will be important in the long run.
(I am going to go ahead and address these as if they were written by Bristol Palin, even though we all know that they were not, as indicated by the lack of the "F" word and the phrase "haters.")
1. Her husband’s scandal with Monica Lewinsky shows the character and morals of the family that would be leading our country.
(Is there not an entire book written about your father's pimping activities?)
2. Hillary is part of the same old “Machine” that got us where we are now which is – $19,400,940,249,000 dollars in debt.
(Well this is a completely ridiculous charge as Hillary had nothing to do with the budget while serving as Secretary of State. However if the slam is directed at the fact that she understands how Washington works, then that would be a positive and not a negative.)
3. Hillary’s stance on the 2nd amendment – We have a constitutional right to bear arms. Our constitution is what founded our country. It should be protected, not changed. Hillary thinks we should do what Australia did.
(Actually Hillary has never said we should follow Australia's example. But if she did I think a lot of Americans might see that as a positive.)
4. Hillary’s stance on pro life. This is what she said about it – Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” today that “the unborn person doesn’t have constitutional rights.”
.. You all know how pro life I am to the core. I want a president who will value life – who will protect all life.
(Pro-life to the core?)
November 24, 2010 |
5. Hillary’s inconsistencies of her views. It shows her lack of a backbone – she has none!! She just says what people want to hear. “I think a marriage is as a marriage has always been, between a man and a woman” – that was Hillary Clinton in 2000. Here is more of what she said her stance on same sex marriage in 2004. It was only in 2013 when she truly changed her stance on this issue in particular.
(Yeah you know back in 2000 EVERY politician stood up for traditional marriage, including President Obama who is arguably the most pro-LGBT president in American history. It is called changing your opinion based on facts, something the Palin clan knows nothing about.)
6. She obviously can’t be trusted with confidential information – look at her handling the government’s confidential emails! As Secretary of State she should have been held to the highest standard. She should be treated like others who hold government positions and held accountable for her all of her actions. She (nor anyone else on any side of the political spectrum) should not be ABOVE THE LAW.
(She was treated like others, that is why every person in the State Department and in other branches of the government are not all being charged with the mishandling of confidential information right now. The use of non-secure e-mail servers is rampant in government and something with needs to be addressed moving forward.)
7. The last time she left the White House it was left a mess and missing over $190,000.00 in taxpayer’s property!
(Yeah, that's bullshit.)
8. Hillary’s special interests. I saw the best quote the other day, that I think fits perfectly with Hillary; “Congress should wear NASCAR suits so we know who’s sponsoring them” – Hmm, nearly $22,000,000.00 in speeches in 2013-2015 alone.
(Just jealous that nobody want to pay your mother or you anywhere near that sum to hear you butcher the English language.)
9. Hillary can’t call it how it is – she is always pussyfooting around the facts. She doesn’t want to offend anyone – if it is an attack from ISIS – it needs to be called an attack from ISIS. Which brings me to her most corrupt actions…
(It's called diplomacy and not jumping to conclusions, two more things the Palin clan will never understand.)
10. Benghazi – Hillary let four of our American’s to die during the attacks in Benghazi. She wouldn’t send help to save Ambassador Stevens, or the three other American’s that died on September 11th, 2012. If my husband was overseas I would NOT want her to be our commander in chief. Hillary Clinton has special interests, she doesn’t value our constitution or value life, for that I won’t be voting for Hillary Clinton for president.
And of course this final charge proves that Bristol, her insane mother, and the GOP have nothing.
I mean seriously, Benghazi?
Now I know what many of you want to say, "Gryphen you know Bristol did not write this so why are you even addressing it?"
Good question.
But the answer to that question is because I firmly believe that Dakota Meyer is being groomed for political office, and that part of that packaging is a newly politically active wife by his side.
So talking about this now, and addressing the hypocrisy and ignorance of both Bristol and her newest baby daddy, will be important in the long run.