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Wednesday, 11 May 2016

Samantha Bee talks about "numbnut" Republican laws and takes Democrats to the woodshed for sleeping through the 2010 midterms.

Courtesy of Raw Story: 

“After the 2010 landslide, policies started happening to states the way sex happens to people who drink with Bill Cosby.” Bee shows maps that color in the states that have done the most damage since 2010 restricting freedoms for everyone but gun owners. “No wonder Democrats are so hung up on appointing the next Supreme Court Justice. They need him to strike down all the sh*tty state laws that might not have passed if they’d bothered to vote in 2010.” 

Bee closes with this: “Look, I know state elections aren’t fun. They don’t have cool concerts or dank memes. But, voting in them is important. Just think of it like a mammogram. It’s painful and inconvenient, but you gotta do it. Because early prevention prevents a lot less than late stage treatment.” 

You know I totally feel Samantha Bee's pain here.

I personally feel that there are far more likely Democratic voters in this country than Republican voters by quite a large margin, but they are almost catatonic during midterm elections and seem to think that if there is no headliner to capture their attention that they can skip the party altogether without any real consequence.

But the consequences are all around us and we need to find a way to inspire, incite, and perhaps even frighten liberals to vote in every single, Municipal, State, and Federal election.

If we really want to make this country a better place we have to do the work to make that happen.

And don't forget your response to somebody working hard to keep you from exercising your rights as an American should be to work even harder to exercise those rights.


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