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Sunday, 24 July 2016

So a third woman has come forward to accuse Donald Trump of sexual harassment. I think we need to start paying attention to this.

Courtesy of Raw Story:

On Wednesday, in the midst of the Republican National Convention, new allegations emerged of sexual assault committed by Donald Trump. This is the third woman who has accused the GOP presidential nominee of sexual assault. 

The latest allegations of unwanted sexual contact by Trump come from Jill Harth, a makeup artist and business associate of the billionaire in the early 1990s. According to Harth, Trump sexually harassed her on numerous occasions, including cornering her in his daughter Ivanka’s bedroom and attempting to have sex with her. In 1997, Harth filed a lawsuit detailing Trump’s alleged repeated efforts to force her to have sex with him, as well as a number of other outrageous and inappropriate behaviors. 

Harth, who gave an interview to the Guardian earlier this week, says she first met Trump back in 1992, when she and her business partner and then boyfriend George Houraney were trying to recruit Trump as a partner in their beauty pageant event. The New York Times cites a 1996 deposition in which Harth describes their first meeting with Trump, when Houraney gave a business presentation to woo Trump into becoming a financial backer of the project. According to Harth, that marked the first of Trump’s many unwanted sexual advances. 

'Donald Trump stared at me throughout that meeting. He stared at me even while George was giving his presentation…In the middle of it he says to George, “Are you sleeping with her?” Meaning me. And George looked a little shocked and he said, “Well, yeah.” And he goes, “Well, for the weekend or what?”'

In Harth’s complaint, she says that at a dinner meeting at the Plaza Hotel the following night, Trump groped her under the table repeatedly, violating her “‘physical and mental integrity’ by attempting to touch [her] private parts.” The suit goes on to state that Trump introduced Harth to Plaza Hotel staff as his “new girlfriend” and, after a series of lewd comments about women, blurted out to Houraney, “You know, there’s going to be a problem. I’m very attracted to your girlfriend.”

According to this woman, Jill Harth, Trump refused to take "go to hell" for an answer and kept right on  sexually harassing her, including one incident inside of Ivanka's bedroom.


The Raw Story article goes on to point out that Trump is already being accused of raping a 13 year old girl, and then of course there is that story about Ivana.

Look, as I have said before, often times powerful people are unjustly accused of doing terrible things, for all kinds of reasons, mostly money.

However there is a pattern here concerning how Trump treats women which certainly suggests that he thinks they are only good for a couple of things, and being equal to men is certainly not one of them.

In that light the idea that the thinks he can have his way with them, despite their protestations to the contrary does not seem that far fetched.

After all remember this from the convention?
Yeah, like I said I think we all need to start paying attention to these stories.


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