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Monday, 5 February 2018

Weren't impressed by that last memo? Well Devin Nunes has at least five more he is going to release so there!

No I was just kidding. This next memo, THAT'S going to be the juicy one.
Courtesy of Axios:

"The memo" — which pitted the Justice Department against the White House and brought ugly partisan sniping into stark relief — is only the beginning. Republican sources close to Devin Nunes tell me he's assured them there's much more to come. 

The House Intelligence chair and his team have told members and associates they've found other examples of politically motivated "wrongdoing" across various agencies, including the FBI, the broader Justice Department, and the State Department. 

What we're hearing: Republicans close to Nunes say there could be as many as five additional memos or reports of "wrongdoing." But a source on the House Intelligence Committee tells me there's no current plan to use the same extraordinary and highly controversial process they just went through, with a vote and ultimately a presidential approval to declassify sensitive information. 

A Republican member briefed on Nunes' investigations told me: "There are several areas of concern where federal agencies used government resources to try to create a narrative and influence the election. Some have suggested coordination with Hillary Clinton operatives, [Sidney] Blumenthal and [Cody] Shearer, to back up the false narrative."

Yes let's all assume that this first memo was just an opening salvo that all the REALLY troubling stuff will be in the fourth or fifth memo that he sends out to the news agencies.

You know, because that makes all kinds of sense.

I think that Devin Nunes is currently the most pathetic and desperate character in Washington DC, well aside from Donald Trump himself that is.

I cannot imagine that anybody, except perhaps Sean Hannity and the folks at Fox and Friends, would even bother to report on any additional memos of disappointment from this idiot.

What a shit show.


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