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Monday, 25 July 2016

So the evidence that those DNC e-mail hacks were the work of the Russians seems to be insurmountable at this point.

If you still have any doubts about this take a look at this post from a technology site which goes into great deal concerning the evidence.

So taking all of that into consideration it now appears that Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook was right all along.

Which also means that those who are suggesting that Wikileaks is going the dirty work for Vladimir Putin and helping Donald Trump's campaign, are also likely on to something as well.

You know I looked through those leaked DNC e-mails and I have to say that I think the media and Sanders supporters are  really exaggerating what's contained in them.

The e-mails that are being used to smear the DNC and Debbie Wasserman-Schultz all happened in May, when most establishment Democrats knew the race was over and were looking for Sanders to drop out before he hurt Hillary's chances in the general. It is not at all surprising that they were becoming impatient with the fact that Bernie refused to read the writing on the wall.

Sure that whole pointing out that Sanders might be an Atheist thing was kind of ugly (Especially since they seem to have actually used it.) but in a political battlefield where you are worried that a primary challenger might hurt your party's eventual candidate in a general election, it is really not that hard to understand.

I would bet big money that if the Russians had hacked the RNC that there are plenty of e-mails going back and forth about how to stop Donald Trump.

So if these leaked e-mails DO actually end up hurting the Clinton campaign and the DNC, then I guess ole Vladimir Putin and his puppet Donald Trump will be thrilled with how easily the so-called Democrats are to manipulate.


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