Courtesy of Mediaite:
Cruz has claimed that Obamacare is a huge job killer, but Wallace brought up how millions of jobs have been created in the past few years and millions now have health insurance. Cruz responded by calling the media fact checkers “not fair and impartial.”
Wallace said there’s no question millions of people now have jobs and health insurance. Cruz said, “Yes, there is question.” He argued that growth has been very small all of Obama’s years in office.
As they kept going back and forth, a testy Cruz said, “Chris, don’t interrupt me.” Wallace stepped in and called him out for “changing the subject.”
I swear Cruz must have taken lying classes from Sarah Palin. He does it so naturally.
However just because Cruz is a clown does not mean we can ignore him.
In fact Cruz represents one of the MOST dangerous member of the GOP goon squad this election cycle.
For example here is how Cruz responded to a question about his plans for the Supreme Court:
“I have spent my entire adult life fighting judicial activism, fighting to defend the Constitution, fighting to defend the Bill of Rights,” Cruz said. “Unlike the very fine individuals on that debate stage, I will be willing to spend whatever political capital is necessary, and sir I give you my word, every justice I put on that court will be a principled constitutionalist jurist with a proven record who will be faithful to the law and will not legislate from the bench.”
The concept of creating a more conservative Supreme Court is not new for Cruz. He regularly devotes part of his campaign speeches to the idea, repeating the same point: Republicans of the past have been too scared of political fights to appoint very right-wing justices. If he’s elected, he says, that will change.
“Many of the most liberal justices in this country — Earl Warren, Bill Brennan, John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Harry Blackman, the author of Roe v. Wade — all of those were Republican appointees,” Cruz said. “And the reason is simple. Over and over again we keep electing Republican presidents for whom the court is not a priority. And when it comes to a nomination, they take the easy road out.”
Yeah if that did not send a cold chill up your back then you might want to check your pulse to be sure your still among the living.
I have to say that as much as I despise many of the candidates on the Republican side, virtually ALL of them would be preferable to having Ted Cruz win the nomination.
It's really not because I have no confidence that Hillary can kick his ass, she can without even mussing her hair, it's just that I don't want that sleazy mound of pond scum to even get that close to the White House.
Cruz has claimed that Obamacare is a huge job killer, but Wallace brought up how millions of jobs have been created in the past few years and millions now have health insurance. Cruz responded by calling the media fact checkers “not fair and impartial.”
Wallace said there’s no question millions of people now have jobs and health insurance. Cruz said, “Yes, there is question.” He argued that growth has been very small all of Obama’s years in office.
As they kept going back and forth, a testy Cruz said, “Chris, don’t interrupt me.” Wallace stepped in and called him out for “changing the subject.”
I swear Cruz must have taken lying classes from Sarah Palin. He does it so naturally.
However just because Cruz is a clown does not mean we can ignore him.
In fact Cruz represents one of the MOST dangerous member of the GOP goon squad this election cycle.
For example here is how Cruz responded to a question about his plans for the Supreme Court:
“I have spent my entire adult life fighting judicial activism, fighting to defend the Constitution, fighting to defend the Bill of Rights,” Cruz said. “Unlike the very fine individuals on that debate stage, I will be willing to spend whatever political capital is necessary, and sir I give you my word, every justice I put on that court will be a principled constitutionalist jurist with a proven record who will be faithful to the law and will not legislate from the bench.”
The concept of creating a more conservative Supreme Court is not new for Cruz. He regularly devotes part of his campaign speeches to the idea, repeating the same point: Republicans of the past have been too scared of political fights to appoint very right-wing justices. If he’s elected, he says, that will change.
“Many of the most liberal justices in this country — Earl Warren, Bill Brennan, John Paul Stevens, David Souter, Harry Blackman, the author of Roe v. Wade — all of those were Republican appointees,” Cruz said. “And the reason is simple. Over and over again we keep electing Republican presidents for whom the court is not a priority. And when it comes to a nomination, they take the easy road out.”
Yeah if that did not send a cold chill up your back then you might want to check your pulse to be sure your still among the living.
I have to say that as much as I despise many of the candidates on the Republican side, virtually ALL of them would be preferable to having Ted Cruz win the nomination.
It's really not because I have no confidence that Hillary can kick his ass, she can without even mussing her hair, it's just that I don't want that sleazy mound of pond scum to even get that close to the White House.