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Monday, 19 June 2017

Right Wing PAC makes ad using Scalise shooting to attack progressives who support Jon Ossoff in Georgia runoff election.

Courtesy of Mediaite:  

Ahead of the highly anticipated Tuesday special election in Georgia’s 6th District in which Democrat Jon Ossoff is hoping to end Republicans’ stranglehold on the House seat, a fringe conservative group is running an ad tying Ossoff to the shooting of Rep. Steve Scalise (R-LA). 

No, really. This is not a joke. 

Principled PAC is running an ad called ‘Stop the Violent Left.’ Backed by a small five-figure ad buy, the commercial will run on Fox News Sunday and Monday. 

In the 30-second spot, video footage of Scalise being taken away on a stretcher while a narrator claims that the “unhinged left is endorsing and applauding shooting Republicans.” 

“When will it stop?” the voiceover continues. “It won’t if Jon Ossoff wins on Tuesday, because the same unhinged leftists cheering last week’s shooting are all backing Jon Ossoff. And if he wins. They win.”

I just saw this for the first time on Morning Joe, and almost could not believe my eyes.

According to Morning Joe this ad has been condemned by both sides in the Georgia race, but it is still running on the local Fox News affiliate.

I have to say that it is amazing the changes that have suddenly come over the Right Wing, those who so forcefully touted "2nd Amendment solutions" not to very long ago, now that one of their own has been shot.

It kind of reminds me of a conservative who suddenly supports gay right after their child comes out of the closet.

Hell even Ted Nugent is suddenly calling for civility and claiming that he has turned over a new leaf: 

“At the tender age of 69, my wife has convinced me I just can’t use those harsh terms,” he said on the 77 WABC radio program Thursday. “I cannot and will not and I encourage even my friends, slash, enemies on the left, in the Democrat and liberal world, that we have got to be civil to each other.” 

“I'm not going to engage in that kind of hateful rhetoric anymore.”

Yeah, I am not at all sure I am buying that one Captain Poopy Pants. 

There is a rather stunning amount of hypocrisy in this ad, and in that statement from Nugent.

After all the violent rhetoric has been a feature of the Right Wing for decades now, so to suddenly act the victim and claim that he it's the Left which is filled with homicidal gun wielding maniacs is laughable on its face. 

All one has to do is scan the news to see that aggression toward Muslims, the LGBTQ community, and other minorities continues unabated, and that certainly is NOT being perpetrated by those embracing progressive ideals.

Look I hope that we can move to more civility as well, but part of me is still fairly convinced that once the memory of this shooting fades from memory that Right Wing provocateurs will go right back to using violent imagery and language to push their message.

After all it is deeply ingrained in their damn DNA.


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