Okay this is a long one filled with venom so keep your snake bite kits at the ready.
I am only going to pick and choose a few key rants because if I spend too much time in that swirling vapor of acrimony I may end my day picking off local shoppers with a high powered rifle from a clock tower.
Take a deep cleansing breath, and here we go:
With Donald Trump securing the presidential nomination, the political narrative is shifting rapidly and revealingly. As you watch former haters hop aboard the Trump Train, it’s important to connect dots and understand my concern about a bunch of belated mea culpas with which we’ll now be inundated.
It’s important because time is short and lessons must be learned to avoid future catastrophic capture by status quo politicos.
Friends, my concern here is all about the attempted destruction of Trump SUPPORTERS over all these months. I’ve zipped my lips long enough; it’s time to call out those who’ve tried to destroy you.
Wait, her lips were zipped?
When was that, and how did I miss it?
But enough about Trump and his supporters, time to make it all about Sarah.
Personally, since endorsing Trump, my family and I haven’t seen the level of hate and vitriol spewed our way since the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign. It’s been hellish.
From fair-weather friends and “supporters” turning decisively away in the meanest of ways, to me losing jobs – literally – the moment my support for Trump was made public, we sucked it up and hung on to hope that vindication was around the corner. I was told – for the umpteenth time – my career was over for “going rogue” this election cycle.
There are a few more paragraphs of bitching, before we get to this:
Conveniently, oppressors of this nationalist revolution found a way to save face. The obvious wall-writing told them they’d lose money and influence if they continued fighting AGAINST the majority, so the donor class scattered from their polarizing candidate when Ted Cruz’s suicide vest detonated at the GOP convention.
That's right, Ted Cruz's suicide vest. Because what could be more hyperbolic and over the top than that?
Oops, time to talk about herself again.
I’ve been asked all year questions like why it seems I’m “relegated” to outsider status of current political machines; why there’s no longer a seat at the talking heads TV table; why’d previous “friends” commence public condemnation of me despite me never changing my values, priorities or loyalties to the right causes. The question is suggested, “Don’t you know if you just go along to get along you’d be in the big shots’ good graces?”
Uh, she does realize that the only reasons she was not invited to the Republican convention this year is because Donald Trump did not want her there, right?
Time to go back and attack Ted Cruz again, and while she's at it why not include Glenn Beck?
A significant exposition is the billionaire Mercer family’s financial ties to Cruz, his SuperPACs, think tanks, media outlets, and donor class hanger-oners like Glenn Beck, which will explain why guys (like Mercer-affiliated Beck) did a 180 on me – and you – with inexplicable personal attacks to invalidate us.
The inconsistencies and random attacks they engaged in have been so, well, RANDOM that was hard not to giggle publicly at their bizarreness. Beck and his ilk showed they don’t oppose politics of personal destruction they used to rail against with lip service. They actually participate in Alinsky-like tactics that make the rest of us gag at typical political shenanigans.
Yep it really sucks that Cruz was funded by some billionaire, after all that is so much worse than being in debt to the Russians and having Vladimir Putin's hand up the back of your shirt controlling you.
That's right Sarah Palin the man who you broke ranks with your conservative homeys to endorse has now been shown to have significant ties to the leader of a country that we were engaged in a cold war with for almost forty years, and who the conservatives have considered their mortal enemies since World War 2.
Not only that but his nomination, and eventual defeat will most likely signal the end of the Republicans party as we know it today.
So WHO is it exactly wearing that suicide vest?
Source http://ift.tt/2asCrP5
I am only going to pick and choose a few key rants because if I spend too much time in that swirling vapor of acrimony I may end my day picking off local shoppers with a high powered rifle from a clock tower.
Take a deep cleansing breath, and here we go:
With Donald Trump securing the presidential nomination, the political narrative is shifting rapidly and revealingly. As you watch former haters hop aboard the Trump Train, it’s important to connect dots and understand my concern about a bunch of belated mea culpas with which we’ll now be inundated.
It’s important because time is short and lessons must be learned to avoid future catastrophic capture by status quo politicos.
Friends, my concern here is all about the attempted destruction of Trump SUPPORTERS over all these months. I’ve zipped my lips long enough; it’s time to call out those who’ve tried to destroy you.
Wait, her lips were zipped?
When was that, and how did I miss it?
But enough about Trump and his supporters, time to make it all about Sarah.
Personally, since endorsing Trump, my family and I haven’t seen the level of hate and vitriol spewed our way since the 2008 McCain/Palin campaign. It’s been hellish.
From fair-weather friends and “supporters” turning decisively away in the meanest of ways, to me losing jobs – literally – the moment my support for Trump was made public, we sucked it up and hung on to hope that vindication was around the corner. I was told – for the umpteenth time – my career was over for “going rogue” this election cycle.
There are a few more paragraphs of bitching, before we get to this:
Conveniently, oppressors of this nationalist revolution found a way to save face. The obvious wall-writing told them they’d lose money and influence if they continued fighting AGAINST the majority, so the donor class scattered from their polarizing candidate when Ted Cruz’s suicide vest detonated at the GOP convention.
That's right, Ted Cruz's suicide vest. Because what could be more hyperbolic and over the top than that?
Oops, time to talk about herself again.
I’ve been asked all year questions like why it seems I’m “relegated” to outsider status of current political machines; why there’s no longer a seat at the talking heads TV table; why’d previous “friends” commence public condemnation of me despite me never changing my values, priorities or loyalties to the right causes. The question is suggested, “Don’t you know if you just go along to get along you’d be in the big shots’ good graces?”
Uh, she does realize that the only reasons she was not invited to the Republican convention this year is because Donald Trump did not want her there, right?
Time to go back and attack Ted Cruz again, and while she's at it why not include Glenn Beck?
A significant exposition is the billionaire Mercer family’s financial ties to Cruz, his SuperPACs, think tanks, media outlets, and donor class hanger-oners like Glenn Beck, which will explain why guys (like Mercer-affiliated Beck) did a 180 on me – and you – with inexplicable personal attacks to invalidate us.
The inconsistencies and random attacks they engaged in have been so, well, RANDOM that was hard not to giggle publicly at their bizarreness. Beck and his ilk showed they don’t oppose politics of personal destruction they used to rail against with lip service. They actually participate in Alinsky-like tactics that make the rest of us gag at typical political shenanigans.
Yep it really sucks that Cruz was funded by some billionaire, after all that is so much worse than being in debt to the Russians and having Vladimir Putin's hand up the back of your shirt controlling you.
That's right Sarah Palin the man who you broke ranks with your conservative homeys to endorse has now been shown to have significant ties to the leader of a country that we were engaged in a cold war with for almost forty years, and who the conservatives have considered their mortal enemies since World War 2.
Not only that but his nomination, and eventual defeat will most likely signal the end of the Republicans party as we know it today.
So WHO is it exactly wearing that suicide vest?
Source http://ift.tt/2asCrP5