Courtesy of the Houston Chronicle:
When they take the stage at their first joint campaign appearance on Tuesday, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will show off a new phase in their storied relationship: co-dependents.
Clinton's chances of winning the White House hinge on rallying Obama's coalition to her cause. Obama's legacy depends on her success. Eight years after they spent millions tearing each other down in pursuit of the White House, they will now spend countless words and four months selling each other to the public.
The foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the Obama-Clinton show in Charlotte, N.C., aides to both say. In his remarks, the president will act as a character witness for his former secretary of state, who is struggling to convince voters of her trustworthiness and honesty. There is no better politician to testify on her behalf, many Democrats believe, than the man who once counted himself among the Clinton skeptics but came around to be one of her biggest boosters.
I agree that there can be no better advocate for Hillary Clinton than the man who beat her to the White House in 2008.
And with the President's approval ratings at their highest level in years, just standing on the stage with him will give Hillary the kind of boost that her opponent can only dream of seeing in his own campaign.
My prediction for the near future is that the FBI will report the findings of their investigation either this week or next, and of course there will be no charges and no indictment.
The President's presence on the campaign trail with Hillary will see her poll numbers rise significantly leaving Trump in the dust.
Before the convention Hillary will announce her VP pick and which will give yet another dramatic boost to her campaign.
(Though we can only imagine who that might be. Hint, hint, come on Hillary you know there is no better choice.)
The Democratic party will also rally around Hillary with numerous surrogates appearing on Sunday talk shows and cable news programs to tout her credentials and sing her praises to anybody who will listen.
In response to all of this Donald Trump will start to unravel, and say crazier and crazier things in interviews and on Twitter in an attempt to regain the limelight, and by the time we get to November Hillary Clinton will appear to be the most trusted politician in America while Trump will be reduced to a conspiracy theory spouting lunatic.
Oh wait, I guess he is already one of those.
(How's that for a scenario rife with potential disappointment?)
When they take the stage at their first joint campaign appearance on Tuesday, President Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton will show off a new phase in their storied relationship: co-dependents.
Clinton's chances of winning the White House hinge on rallying Obama's coalition to her cause. Obama's legacy depends on her success. Eight years after they spent millions tearing each other down in pursuit of the White House, they will now spend countless words and four months selling each other to the public.
The foe-to-friend story will be at the center of the Obama-Clinton show in Charlotte, N.C., aides to both say. In his remarks, the president will act as a character witness for his former secretary of state, who is struggling to convince voters of her trustworthiness and honesty. There is no better politician to testify on her behalf, many Democrats believe, than the man who once counted himself among the Clinton skeptics but came around to be one of her biggest boosters.
I agree that there can be no better advocate for Hillary Clinton than the man who beat her to the White House in 2008.
And with the President's approval ratings at their highest level in years, just standing on the stage with him will give Hillary the kind of boost that her opponent can only dream of seeing in his own campaign.
My prediction for the near future is that the FBI will report the findings of their investigation either this week or next, and of course there will be no charges and no indictment.
The President's presence on the campaign trail with Hillary will see her poll numbers rise significantly leaving Trump in the dust.
Before the convention Hillary will announce her VP pick and which will give yet another dramatic boost to her campaign.
(Though we can only imagine who that might be. Hint, hint, come on Hillary you know there is no better choice.)
The Democratic party will also rally around Hillary with numerous surrogates appearing on Sunday talk shows and cable news programs to tout her credentials and sing her praises to anybody who will listen.
In response to all of this Donald Trump will start to unravel, and say crazier and crazier things in interviews and on Twitter in an attempt to regain the limelight, and by the time we get to November Hillary Clinton will appear to be the most trusted politician in America while Trump will be reduced to a conspiracy theory spouting lunatic.
Oh wait, I guess he is already one of those.
(How's that for a scenario rife with potential disappointment?)