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Tuesday, 5 July 2016

Let's end the day with the first President Obama/Hillary Clinton campaign event of the 2016 election cycle.

Courtesy of ABC News: 

Clinton, fresh off the news that the FBI didn't recommend charges against her for using a private email server for government correspondence when she was secretary of state, took the stage first to chants of "Hillary, Hillary, Hillary." She said she has known Obama in many roles and called him "a friend." 

"I was honored to stand with him in the good times and the hard times," she told the crowd in Charlotte. "Someone who has never forgotten where he came from. And Donald [Trump], if you're out there tweeting, it's Hawaii." 

Clinton smiled after her reference to the Trump-led birther movement, which questioned whether Obama was born in the United States.

Then it was the President's turn:

"Everybody can tweet. Nobody actually knows what it takes to do the job until you sit behind the desk," said the president, making a veiled reference to Trump. "Sasha tweets, but she doesn't think that she thereby should be sitting behind the desk." 

Obama called Clinton "steady and true" and said she's in politics for the same reason he is, to help others. He took a swipe at Republicans who "don't really know what the guy is talking about," making another reference to Trump. 

"You ask them, they're all like, 'I don't know.' Then they kinda duck the other way. Am I joking? No." Going a step further, Obama told the crowd in North Carolina, a battleground state, that "this isn't even a choice because the other side has nothing to offer you."

I watched this whole thing today, and on the heels of having it confirmed that the FBI was not pressing for charges against Clinton over the e-mail server, it just made me feel relaxed that the grownups were firmly in charge and they would make sure that our country did not allow a lunatic to take up residence in the White House.

I already lived through that once with George W. Bush and I really don't ever want to see it happen again. 


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