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Friday, 29 July 2016

It took a day but finally folks are noticing that Dakota Meyer's ammosexual approach to parenting.

I shared this picture of Dakota on Wednesday, and of course we have already had our somewhat passionate discussion about what it demonstrates.

A couple of people jumped on me for even paying attention to Dakota and the Palins, however it should be noted that I am certainly not the only one to take note.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: 

Bristol Palin's new husband Dakota Meyer is a big believer in the right to bear arms, and now he insists that carrying a gun is 'imperative' because he has his baby girl to protect. 

The 28-year-old Marine took to Instagram on Tuesday to share a photo of himself adjusting his gun holster before grabbing the firearm that was left sitting on the kitchen counter next to his seven-month-old daughter Sailor Grace, who was gleefully smiling in her car seat. 

Although he doesn't specifically say the photo is a sponsored post, it appears to be that way as he made a point to inset a close-up image of the holster in the image.

In the image, the Medal of Honor winner appears to be getting ready to leave his house. While he can be seen adjusting the holster, Sailor is innocently sucking on her pacifier, unaware that a lethal weapon is mere inches away from her. 

If you take the time to read the comments you will find that most of them are far from supportive.

The New York Daily News cringed a little as well:The picture shows Meyer adjusting a gun holster on his hip while his 7-month-old daughter Sailor Grace is resting on the kitchen counter — right next to his gun.

Even Newswmax which is usually a bastion of conservationism, expressed a little concern:  

His post has brought more than 2,500 "likes" — with many complimenting his daughter or supporting the gun product — but 33 people bashed him for having the weapon near his daughter to using Instagram to advertise the product.

 kari_kossler — "Oh no. YOU'RE using Instagram to make a paycheck, too? Gross." 

Of course Perez Hilton did not bother to sugar coat his opinion:  

Yikes! We know the pair are fans of the 2nd amendment but this scary snap is a little TOO much! 

While we're sure the veteran made sure the weapon was empty or locked before taking the pic, it's still an uncomfortable image. It's unclear why the 28-year-old felt the need to place the hand gun in such close proximity to his infant… it's just bizarre.

Yeah personally I would not give him enough credit to assume the gun was unloaded or had the safety on.

Sarah Palin even decided to jump into the debate by tweeting a link to her new go to new outlet, the Independent Journal.
So yes it has not taken long for Dakota Meyer to now be judged just as incompetent and attention seeking as his new wife and her family of notorious grifters.

To be fair he might always have been an idiot and a grifter all along. Only now with more attention coming his way everybody will know it. 


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