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Monday, 11 July 2016

"Dump Trump" leader claims to have enough votes to unbind delegates at RNC convention.

Courtesy of the Daily Wire: 

Over the weekend, The Daily Wire had the opportunity to speak with Kendal Unruh, a member of the Colorado Republican delegation to the Republican National Convention. Unruh is also a member of the Rules Committee at the RNC, and a leading advocate for a vote that would unbind the delegates from the candidates to which their state primaries are pledged. 

Unruh explained that "28 committee members are required to pass a minority report, which then goes to the convention floor for all delegates to vote on. It then requires a simple majority to pass." She added that she does "have the 28 votes required for the minority report," continuing, "Not everyone who is with us is willing to be public yet, due in part to the threats being made by Trump's campaign and the RNC itself."

Well now this RNC convention is once again looking like the must see show for next week.

I was a little concerned that the Republicans had pulled their shit together and become united behind Trump, but now I see that my concerns were for naught.

It also appears that Trump is having trouble getting the usual Republican donors to loosen their purse strings:

Republican donors, including members of the Republican Jewish Coalition, are voicing concern about giving to presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump's campaign after some of his recent comments, according to The Wall Street Journal. 

“I’m waiting for him to come forward as a statesman, and so far he hasn’t done it,” said Walter Stern, a longtime RJC board member and the vice chairman of a private equity firm, who hasn’t decided whether to give money to Trump.

Yeah, keep holding your breath for that one.

There is also concern that there will not be any big named Republicans speaking at the convention, and though Trump has repeatedly promised to release a list of names so far nada.

However once that list of names is revealed I have every confidence that it will include Sarah Palin, and if she has her way Dakota Meyer as well.

Like I said the must see show for next week.

Wouldn't miss it.


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