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Friday, 24 June 2016

You know sometimes you cannot be sure something is a bad thing until Sarah Palin likes it, and then you know.

Courtesy of the international moron's Facebook page:  

Time out between kids soccer games to tune in to good news of UK voting to leave the European Union - choosing independence from global special interests and affirming status that controls its own borders and protects its own people. Happy Brexit prevails! 

I have to admit that I was only vaguely paying attention to all of this drama in Britain (Kinda got my own drama gong on.), so when the vote came down I started to Google it to find out more about it.

Well as it turns out it's bad, really bad.

But then I really did not need to do any of that googling.

All I had to do is wait for Sarah Palin to weigh in.

So without a doubt we now know that it was a terrible decision.

And people say she's not good for anything anymore.


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