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Saturday, 7 October 2017

Prototypes are being built for Trump's border wall.

Courtesy of the Daily Mail: has obtained drone photos that offer a birds-eye view of construction on Trump's new Mexican border wall. 

The photos show laborers hard at work on eight different prototypes for the new border wall, which Trump hopes will more effectively keep would-be illegal immigrants from crossing into the U.S. 

The prototypes are being constructed in the California desert, near San Diego. Construction began at the end of September, after being stalled three months when firms that didn't win contracts protested. 

Reporters and photographers were invited by Customs and Border Patrol to visit the construction site this week, where crews already had large slabs of concrete poured. 

There of course is still no guarantee that the wall will be built, and currently there is still no real funding for it.

One thing does seem certain however.

If it DOES get built it will be really fucking ugly. 


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