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Friday, 3 June 2016

Some of the clashes among protesters outside the Trump rally in California yesterday.

After this last one you can hear some of the protesters shouting "Bernie, Bernie" which leads to the assumption that at least a portion of these Trump counter protesters are organized Sanders supporters looking to start a conflict.

Announcing your affiliation with Bernie Sanders does not seem like a good tactic if you are attempting to show how chaotic a Trump presidency would be.

Inside the building where Trump was holding his rally he had nothing to say about Sanders but plenty to say about Hillary, who had eviscerated him earlier in the day.

Courtesy of the New York Times:  

In his speech, Mr. Trump continued his attack on Mrs. Clinton, accusing her of secretly hating President Obama. 

“Remember, Hillary Clinton used to hate Obama,” Mr. Trump said. “She used to hate him. The old Clinton hated him.” 

He mocked Mrs. Clinton and her husband, saying they bowed to the president’s whims: “Yes, sir, Mr. President, sir. What would you like? What would you like me to say, sir?” The crowd roared. 

He argued that Mrs. Clinton was supportive of Mr. Obama only because of the investigation into her private email server. 

“Anything Obama wants, she’s going forward with,” Mr. Trump said. “Because you know why? She doesn’t want to go to jail. That’s why.”

I assume the approach here is to suggest that the only thing that is keeping Hillary in line with the Obama policies is fear of prison over her e-mail server, which kind of ignores her stint as his Secretary of State, and her support BEFORE the Right Wing made an issue of the e-mails.

Like I have said before, this is only going to get much uglier as  we head for November.


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