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Friday, 11 November 2016

Pro-Palin blog claims that Sarah Palin won the election. And I agree.

"What did I do?"
Now typically I do not link to these ridiculous Pro-Palin or uber Right Wing websites.

However one of them had a headline with which I found myself in agreement.

The website is the American Thinker, and it's headline read "Breaking: Palin wins presidency."

Now of course she did not REALLY win the presidency, that was the pussy grabber who won.

BUT in a way it's almost the same thing.

Here is how the website explains it:

The roots of Donald Trump's historic presidential victory go back eight years to the 2008 presidential contest and the V.P. candidacy of Sarah Palin. Palin, or more properly Palinism, had many of the same characteristics as the Trump ascendancy: a robust patriotic populism driven by intense love of country and rejection of big-government internationalism embodied by Barack Hussein Obama and Hillary Clinton. Palinism also introduced Americans to the political struggle not as Left vs. Right, but as Country Class vs. Ruling Class, Bluebloods vs. Commoners, Ivy League vs. College of Hard Knocks, Urban Elite vs. Middle and Rural Working Class. 

In this respect, then, Sarah Palin was the pioneer, with the arrows in her back to prove it, who enabled Donald Trump's amazing success.

Actually yeah, most of that is spot on.

I mean there is more than a little hyperbole there, and that "intense love of country" line made me spit up in my mouth, but for the most part this is not entirely inaccurate. And THIS is indeed how many of Trump's supporters see the world.

As I have pointed out many times in the past, without a Sarah Palin there would be NO Donald Trump.

It was SHE who sold that whole idiot savant idea of a public servant to the Right Wing.

"Well sure Jethro, she is dumb as a rock, but ya gotta admit she's got grit! I bet she could use that common sense she keeps talking about to do the job just as well as those East Coast elites!"

Nope, no she couldn't.

In fact she could not even run a small town without hiring a city manager to do the job for her, and when she became governor she started fucking up pretty much right away.

But Palin looked kinda pretty so she got a pass.

Donald Trump is certainly not attractive, but he looks kinda wealthy and that's close enough, so he got a pass.

So yes Donald Trump tapped right into that same vein of support among the American voters that Sarah Palin had been mercilessly prick teasing four years earlier and they were primed to shoot their wad at the ballot box for anybody who stroked them the way that Sarah Palin had been stroking them.

And tiny hands or not, Donald Trump was willing to start stroking.

Remember Steve Bannon, the guy who put together that cinematic love letter to Sarah Palin "The Undefeated," is the same guy who is now about to join Trump's administration.

So I agree with the website's final point. "Donald Trump won a historic victory on November 8, yes, but the person who above all made it possible was Sarah Palin."


Sarah Palin wanted to be the first completely unfit, completely unprepared, and completely unhinged individual to move into the White House (Right after John McCain "accidentally" fell down a flight of stairs no doubt.)

But though her plans were undone by that damn Barack Obama fellow, her pudgy orange male counterpart has now done exactly that.

And I guess in Palin's world that constitutes a "win."


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