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Thursday, 16 June 2016

In response to criticism from his own party Donald Trump tells them to "be quiet" or he is going to "do it" alone.

Courtesy of CNN:

Donald Trump slammed GOP leaders on Wednesday for not lining up behind him, implying that he's willing to go forward without their help. 

"We have to have our Republicans either stick together or let me just do it by myself. I'll do very well. I'm going to do very well. OK? I'm going to do very well. A lot of people thought I should do that anyway, but I'll just do it very nicely by myself," Trump said, though he did not elaborate on what doing it "by myself" would mean. 

The presumptive Republican presidential nominee also accused his party's leaders of being weak and told them to "please be quiet." 

"You know the Republicans, honestly folks, our leaders, our leaders have to get tougher," Trump said during a rally in Atlanta. "Our leaders have to get a lot tougher. And be quiet. Just please be quiet. Don't talk. Please be quiet. Just be quiet to the leaders because they have to get tougher, they have to get sharper, they have to get smarter."

As an illustration of the kind of thing that has the GOP leaders worried Donald Trump retweeted a  debunked conspiracy theory claiming that Hillary Clinton had evidence that President Obama was supporting Al Qaeda in Iraq.
So clearly Trump is telling the GOP that if they continue to undermine him he will move forward without their support, which in my opinion also means he will launch a third party candidacy if they try to steal the nomination from him at the convention.

And in the meantime he is going to continue saying and tweeting things that the Republicans will either have to defend, or renounce, which will continue chipping away at their credibility as a national party.

Popcorn anyone?


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