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Saturday, 21 October 2017

42% of Americans think that Donald Trump will go down in history as one of the worst presidents ever.

Courtesy of the Marist Poll: 

Americans have low expectations for the administration of President Donald Trump. In fact, few U.S. residents think President Trump’s tenure will be remembered as a positive one. Nearly six in ten Americans, 58%, believe Mr. Trump will be remembered as either one of the worst presidents in the nation’s history, 42%, or a below average leader, 16%. About one in five, 19%, think he will be considered an average president. Just 18% say Trump will be thought of as either an above average president, 11%, or one of the best presidents in U.S. history, 7%. 

“Deep into his first year as president, Donald Trump’s less than stellar approval rating has lowered expectations about how history will judge him,” says Dr. Lee M. Miringoff, Director of The Marist College Institute for Public Opinion. “For history to treat him kinder, he will have to up his game.” 

Not surprisingly, opinions fall along party lines. 88% of Democrats, including 70% who assert Trump will be remembered as one of the worst U.S. presidents, believe the president’s legacy will be tarnished. Even among the president’s own party, there is an overwhelming assertion that President Trump will not end up on the right side of history. Fewer than half of the GOP, 48%, say President Trump will be remembered as either one of the best, 22%, or as an above average, 26%, president. An additional 31% of Republicans think Trump’s legacy will be an average one. Among independents, 60% say President Trump will be recalled as either a below average leader, 18%, or one of the worst presidents to occupy the Oval Office, 42%.

I feel like we should file this under "Duh Ralph!"

I think it is a given that Trump will redefine terrible when it comes to presidents.

I only wonder if it will also be one of the shortest presidencies in history?


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