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Wednesday, 8 June 2016

Donald Trump's out of control behavior sparks new talk of convention challenge.

Courtesy of Political Wire:  

Sen. Jeff Flake (R-AZ) told the AP that the Republicans cannot win in November with Trump as the party’s standard-bearer. 

Said Flake: “Let’s face it: meet the old Trump, just like the new Trump. We’ve got what we’ve got. That’s not somebody who can win the White House.” 

He added: “Where there’s no talk of a convention challenge or anything else, this might spur it.”
Jonathan Bernstein of Bloomberg View had this to add:

I don’t think the Republicans who chose to accept Trump as a done deal in April are at a panic point yet, but it's worth noting: All it would take to dump him in Cleveland would be a vote to free the delegates, followed by having at least half of the convention oppose him on the first ballot. 

Technically, they wouldn’t even have to have an alternate candidate. Trump dissenters could vote for various other candidates -- or Mickey Mouse, for that matter -- as long as a total of 1,237 of them don’t vote for Trump. 

Now we're talking.

By the way if we needed any further indication as to what kind of a candidate Donald Trump will be going into the general election, I think this tweet illustrates that quite well.
If I were a Republican, and this were my candidate for the most important office in America, I would be too embarrassed to show my face in public. 

Right now the very best thing for progressives is for Bernie Sanders to accept reality and get out of the way, for the Democrats to then unify and focus on the general election, and for the chaos at the RNC convention to happen just like we all expected it to in the first place.

Then everything will be right in the world again.

But remember Democrats are notorious for snatching defeat from the jaws of victory. So everybody needs to stay focused and do their part.

Somebody wake up Bernie and tell him that.


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