That link goes to some bottom feeding Breitbart wannabe, that is reporting on the happenings in California with an almost orgasmic exuberance.
FINALLY the violence is not coming from the Trump supporters, let's milk this until our hands are chaffed and swollen.
And to be honest I can't really blame them, after all this is the kind of thing that greatly undermines charges that Donald Trump incites his followers to violence, and it allows the Right Wing media to turn the whole thing back on the MSM.
It is gift all wrapped up in a pretty pink bow.
Of course Hillary Clinton condemned the violence immediately:
Hillary Clinton unequivocally condemned the violence that erupted against Donald Trump supporters at a rally in San Jose on Thursday night — but she also accused Trump of playing no small role in instigating it.
“He set a bad example,” Clinton said in an interview on CNN. “He created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters. Now we are seeing people who are against it respond in kind.”
“It should all stop,” she said. “It is not acceptable.”
“I just want it to end,” she said. “I don’t want to parse it. I don’t want to talk about the political implications. I want it to end.”
And to his credit Bernie Sanders did the same, kinda:
"Violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable," said Sanders, after a press conference on the jobs market with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. "If people are thinking about violence, please do not tell anybody you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, because those are not the supporters that I want."
Okay so violence is unacceptable, but if you are going to be violent at least stay quiet about being a Bernie Sanders supporter?
Well that's a little.....disappointing.
Especially since in fact some of the aggressive protesters did indeed identify themselves as supporters of Bernie Sanders. And at one point apparently even turned on each other.
Well just so there is no doubt let me just say that ANY violence perpetrated by our side is wrong headed, and it MUST come to a stop.
I understand being passionate, trust me I do.
I also understand being afraid of what a Donald Trump presidency might look like.
But if you are passionate, and you do share our fears, then do yourself a favor and do not give the other side anymore ammunition to use against us in the media.
FINALLY the violence is not coming from the Trump supporters, let's milk this until our hands are chaffed and swollen.
And to be honest I can't really blame them, after all this is the kind of thing that greatly undermines charges that Donald Trump incites his followers to violence, and it allows the Right Wing media to turn the whole thing back on the MSM.
It is gift all wrapped up in a pretty pink bow.
Of course Hillary Clinton condemned the violence immediately:
Hillary Clinton unequivocally condemned the violence that erupted against Donald Trump supporters at a rally in San Jose on Thursday night — but she also accused Trump of playing no small role in instigating it.
“He set a bad example,” Clinton said in an interview on CNN. “He created an environment in which it seemed to be acceptable for someone running for president to be inciting violence, to be encouraging his supporters. Now we are seeing people who are against it respond in kind.”
“It should all stop,” she said. “It is not acceptable.”
“I just want it to end,” she said. “I don’t want to parse it. I don’t want to talk about the political implications. I want it to end.”
And to his credit Bernie Sanders did the same, kinda:
"Violence is absolutely and totally unacceptable," said Sanders, after a press conference on the jobs market with former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich. "If people are thinking about violence, please do not tell anybody you are a Bernie Sanders supporter, because those are not the supporters that I want."
Okay so violence is unacceptable, but if you are going to be violent at least stay quiet about being a Bernie Sanders supporter?
Well that's a little.....disappointing.
Especially since in fact some of the aggressive protesters did indeed identify themselves as supporters of Bernie Sanders. And at one point apparently even turned on each other.
Well just so there is no doubt let me just say that ANY violence perpetrated by our side is wrong headed, and it MUST come to a stop.
I understand being passionate, trust me I do.
I also understand being afraid of what a Donald Trump presidency might look like.
But if you are passionate, and you do share our fears, then do yourself a favor and do not give the other side anymore ammunition to use against us in the media.