This is unfortunately courtesy of Breitbart, so remember to take your air sickness pills and if you click the link also make sure to have your local mental health professional on speed dial.
Shall we begin?
“I’m extremely pleased, of course, that our new president is in there building the team that he believes he needs in order to fulfill promises to the American electorate, to make America great again, and I’m very, very happy that he’s there,” said Palin.
“Remember, those of you who maybe still aren’t aboard the Trump Train but know that the Trump movement had to be ushered in, in order to get rid of the status quo that was harming America, keep doing your ABCs and remember what that was: it was Anybody but Clinton,” she said. “So stick with your little alphabet analogy there. Those who are asking for a grade of this administration, just keep remembering it could have been Clinton.”
Well looky there!
Already there is something that I have in common with Sarah Palin.
Whenever I think of the job that Donald Trump is doing I also remember that it could have been Hillary Clinton, and then I sob ever so softly into my pillow.
Apparently she is not a fan of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and even less a fan of Common Core:
“If the leader now of the education sector of our country would deny that Common Core is in existence, she needs to try to tell that to our really, really great public school teachers, who still have to explain and kind of apologize to the public school parents – I’m one of them – as to why the curriculum is as confusing and burdensome and less freeing for our teachers, who know what our students need best, as do the parents. Good schoolteachers still have to explain to us that under Common Core, these requirements are quite burdensome and nonsensical,” she said.
She accused DeVos of being “really out of touch” for denying all of this was happening.
Personally I think that Common Core is much better than NCLB, but it is still leaves a lot to be desired.
Wait did I just kind of agree with Sarah Palin twice?
Clearly one of us has been drinking.
Palin then attacked President Obama's so-called "lead from behind" strategy and suggested that Trump was much better at foreign relations. Wait, seriously?
“Trump quashed that. He said no more leading from behind. America is that ‘beacon of hope.’ We are a country … of just this perfect storm, if you will, with the natural resources to be developed, with the manpower, and with the intellect, and with the patriotism, the unity that a country needs in order to be so successful, to be great and to be a leader that other countries would wish to emulate. America has all that, and we can put it into play for the greater good of the world by leading, and not leading from behind, which is kind of Orwellian-speak,” said Palin.
Yes, Trump's new "not leading from behind" has almost got us into like three or four wars so far, and irritated and confused pretty much all of our allies, with the exception of course of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But then again he's kind of nuts.
Hungry for some word salad?
Here you go:
“Leading again on the global stage and the Supreme Court pick, those are two specifics – but Alex, we need to make sure to remind our friends, our supporters, people who are really tuned in to what’s going on today and get frustrated under any administration. Maybe they’re frustrated with what Trump does, some of the wrinkles that are certainly part of the agenda that we’ve witnessed,” she suggested.
“We can never put our faith and our hope in man, in any one man, certainly not a politician,” Palin counseled. “Man is fallible. We’re going to be disappointed if we put all of our hope and faith in one man – a politician, a government that cannot make us happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise. We need to look at the bigger picture here, as you suggested in your opening.”
Believe it or not that is about as coherent as it got for the rest of the interview, but I will tell you that she babbled about Berkley, government bureaucrats, globalists, professional politicians, and the yes men around Trump.
After careful analysis my take away from all of this is that Meth is a hell of a drug.
Not even once kids, not even once.
In a more reality based assessment of Trump's first 100 days, Jennifer Granholm wrote on the Huffington Post:
Despite his self-aggrandized deal making "abilities," Trump has failed to convince his own Republican-controlled Congress to pass a single piece of legislation that he promised in his "Contract with the American Voter" for the first 100 days - not one. His major executive orders are being blocked by courts. The Republican replacement plan for Obamacare would rip away health care from 26 million Americans and cause premiums for those with preexisting conditions to explode. Trump is saber-rattling us into another war. His budget slashes funding for everything from arts and research funding to after school programs to Meals on Wheels to food for poor women, infants, and children. His tax plan is a massive gift to millionaires and billionaires, paid for with trillions in debt to China.
Granholm also wrote:
With a 'honeymoon' like this, divorce can't come soon enough.
Now see THAT is the kind of accurate assessment that you would never find on a racist right wing rag like Breaitbart News.
Shall we begin?
“I’m extremely pleased, of course, that our new president is in there building the team that he believes he needs in order to fulfill promises to the American electorate, to make America great again, and I’m very, very happy that he’s there,” said Palin.
“Remember, those of you who maybe still aren’t aboard the Trump Train but know that the Trump movement had to be ushered in, in order to get rid of the status quo that was harming America, keep doing your ABCs and remember what that was: it was Anybody but Clinton,” she said. “So stick with your little alphabet analogy there. Those who are asking for a grade of this administration, just keep remembering it could have been Clinton.”
Well looky there!
Already there is something that I have in common with Sarah Palin.
Whenever I think of the job that Donald Trump is doing I also remember that it could have been Hillary Clinton, and then I sob ever so softly into my pillow.
Apparently she is not a fan of Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, and even less a fan of Common Core:
“If the leader now of the education sector of our country would deny that Common Core is in existence, she needs to try to tell that to our really, really great public school teachers, who still have to explain and kind of apologize to the public school parents – I’m one of them – as to why the curriculum is as confusing and burdensome and less freeing for our teachers, who know what our students need best, as do the parents. Good schoolteachers still have to explain to us that under Common Core, these requirements are quite burdensome and nonsensical,” she said.
She accused DeVos of being “really out of touch” for denying all of this was happening.
Personally I think that Common Core is much better than NCLB, but it is still leaves a lot to be desired.
Wait did I just kind of agree with Sarah Palin twice?
Clearly one of us has been drinking.
Palin then attacked President Obama's so-called "lead from behind" strategy and suggested that Trump was much better at foreign relations. Wait, seriously?
“Trump quashed that. He said no more leading from behind. America is that ‘beacon of hope.’ We are a country … of just this perfect storm, if you will, with the natural resources to be developed, with the manpower, and with the intellect, and with the patriotism, the unity that a country needs in order to be so successful, to be great and to be a leader that other countries would wish to emulate. America has all that, and we can put it into play for the greater good of the world by leading, and not leading from behind, which is kind of Orwellian-speak,” said Palin.
Yes, Trump's new "not leading from behind" has almost got us into like three or four wars so far, and irritated and confused pretty much all of our allies, with the exception of course of Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu. But then again he's kind of nuts.
Hungry for some word salad?
Here you go:
“Leading again on the global stage and the Supreme Court pick, those are two specifics – but Alex, we need to make sure to remind our friends, our supporters, people who are really tuned in to what’s going on today and get frustrated under any administration. Maybe they’re frustrated with what Trump does, some of the wrinkles that are certainly part of the agenda that we’ve witnessed,” she suggested.
“We can never put our faith and our hope in man, in any one man, certainly not a politician,” Palin counseled. “Man is fallible. We’re going to be disappointed if we put all of our hope and faith in one man – a politician, a government that cannot make us happy, healthy, wealthy, and wise. We need to look at the bigger picture here, as you suggested in your opening.”
Believe it or not that is about as coherent as it got for the rest of the interview, but I will tell you that she babbled about Berkley, government bureaucrats, globalists, professional politicians, and the yes men around Trump.
After careful analysis my take away from all of this is that Meth is a hell of a drug.
Not even once kids, not even once.
In a more reality based assessment of Trump's first 100 days, Jennifer Granholm wrote on the Huffington Post:
Despite his self-aggrandized deal making "abilities," Trump has failed to convince his own Republican-controlled Congress to pass a single piece of legislation that he promised in his "Contract with the American Voter" for the first 100 days - not one. His major executive orders are being blocked by courts. The Republican replacement plan for Obamacare would rip away health care from 26 million Americans and cause premiums for those with preexisting conditions to explode. Trump is saber-rattling us into another war. His budget slashes funding for everything from arts and research funding to after school programs to Meals on Wheels to food for poor women, infants, and children. His tax plan is a massive gift to millionaires and billionaires, paid for with trillions in debt to China.
Granholm also wrote:
With a 'honeymoon' like this, divorce can't come soon enough.
Now see THAT is the kind of accurate assessment that you would never find on a racist right wing rag like Breaitbart News.