This from CNN:
So many girls for so long were told -- overtly and subtly -- what they could and could not be. Housewives? Yes. Teachers? Sure. President? Unlikely.
They were told to not express their opinions too strongly -- it's not polite. To not challenge a man -- it's not ladylike.
For those girls -- many of them now mothers with daughters of their own -- what happened Tuesday night was more than a political triumph.
Regardless of party persuasion, Hillary Clinton's victory is the definition of historic: She became the first female presidential nominee of a major political party.
Her chances of becoming president -- the first woman head of state in America's 238-year history -- are now much closer to reality.
I predict her chances of winning the Presidency are right around 100% personally.
I think once Hills unleashes her surrogates, which will include the likes of Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and of course President Obama, they will chew Donald Trump and spit him out.
And once it really sets in for the largest voting block in the country, the women, that this election will be just as historic for them as the 2008 election was for African Americans, I imagine they will flock to their polling places to take their place in history.
And Hillary understands that as well.
Take a look at this recently released advertisement:
I'm just a guy but I certainly feel a surge of pride that my daughter will soon realize that NO door is closed to her, and that she can now be literally anything that she wants in life.
You know on the day that my daughter was born I promised to work hard to make a better world for her.
Well here it is, though to honest I cannot take much credit. But by gosh I did what I could.
So many girls for so long were told -- overtly and subtly -- what they could and could not be. Housewives? Yes. Teachers? Sure. President? Unlikely.
They were told to not express their opinions too strongly -- it's not polite. To not challenge a man -- it's not ladylike.
For those girls -- many of them now mothers with daughters of their own -- what happened Tuesday night was more than a political triumph.
Regardless of party persuasion, Hillary Clinton's victory is the definition of historic: She became the first female presidential nominee of a major political party.
Her chances of becoming president -- the first woman head of state in America's 238-year history -- are now much closer to reality.
I predict her chances of winning the Presidency are right around 100% personally.
I think once Hills unleashes her surrogates, which will include the likes of Bill Clinton, Elizabeth Warren, and of course President Obama, they will chew Donald Trump and spit him out.
And once it really sets in for the largest voting block in the country, the women, that this election will be just as historic for them as the 2008 election was for African Americans, I imagine they will flock to their polling places to take their place in history.
And Hillary understands that as well.
Take a look at this recently released advertisement:
I'm just a guy but I certainly feel a surge of pride that my daughter will soon realize that NO door is closed to her, and that she can now be literally anything that she wants in life.
You know on the day that my daughter was born I promised to work hard to make a better world for her.
Well here it is, though to honest I cannot take much credit. But by gosh I did what I could.