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Thursday, 2 June 2016

Apparently it is Bernie Sanders' plan to piss off every high ranking Democrat in California before the primary.

Courtesy of Politico: 

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.) sharply criticized Bernie Sanders on Wednesday for lumping her and Jerry Brown into the "establishment" wing of the Democratic Party after the California governor announced the previous day that he, along with Boxer and other high-ranking California lawmakers, would be supporting Hillary Clinton. 

"For Bernie to say that Jerry Brown is establishment is kind of the biggest joke of the day," said Boxer, a top Clinton ally in the Senate. She made her remarks in an interview on MSNBC's "Morning Joe" while promoting her latest book, "The Art of Tough." 

Sanders on Tuesday told reporters that he has "taken on the entire Democratic establishment" in each state that he has contested in the primary process. 

"It’s not surprising to me that, you know, we will have the Democratic establishment supporting Hillary Clinton," Sanders said Tuesday, according to the Sacramento Bee. "I like Jerry Brown, but people can make their own choices.” 

What in the actual fuck?

Calling Governor "Moonbeam" part of the establishment is almost unbelievable.

How does he expect to woo ANY super delegates while he is bitching about the "Democratic establishment?"  Where does he think the super delegates come from?

At this point it seems that Sanders is acting like a spoiled child, and since he cannot win the nomination is simply willing to pour gasoline all over the process and light a match.

And his actions appear to be having a rather negative impact on his followers who more and more are threatening to take their ball and go home.

Courtesy of CNN: 

Three words are hanging over the final days of the Democratic presidential race: Bernie or bust. 

"When you say Bernie or bust, that means if we don't get Bernie, we're just not going to automatically vote for the demon because you're saying the devil may be there," said Billy Taylor, who is organizing a coalition of Bernie Sanders supporters to protest at the Democratic convention here in July. 

Sanders has inspired a movement, but it's unclear whether he can control it. Or if he wants to.

Jesus, what a mess.

The Sanders supporters have even started to go after Elizabeth Warren after news leaked that she is likely going to endorse Hillary after the final primary in California.

Speaking of that California primary, it may not be quite as tight as the polls are predicting.
Oh well, it's almost over folks.

Just keep a happy thought until the end of July. 


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