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Monday, 24 October 2016

Elizabeth Warren has a message for Donald Trump: "Nasty women have really had it with guys like you."

Courtesy of HuffPo:

Speaking at a rally in Manchester, New Hampshire, Warren sharply criticized Trump’s boasts about sexually assaulting women, his disparaging remarks about women’s appearances, and other sexist comments he’s made over the years. 

“Donald Trump aggressively disrespects more than half the human beings in this country,” Warren said. “He thinks that because he has money, that he can call women fat pigs and bimbos. He thinks that because he is a celebrity that he can rate women’s bodies from one to 10. He thinks that because he has a mouth full of Tic-Tacs, he can force himself on any women within groping distance.” 

“Well I’ve got news for you, Donald Trump. Women have had it with guys like you. And nasty women have really had it with guys like you,” Warren continued. 

Okay I'm going to spare you my rant about how great it would have been if Warren was Hillary's VP, but I will say that this woman is SO damn good at hitting Trump right where he is the most vulnerable that I cannot help but have a moment of regret that she is not standing side by side with Hillary at the top of the ticket.

The best weapon to use against a serial molester and misogynist is a strong woman who shows no fear while speaking up for all of the women who he has belittled, humiliated, and assaulted over the years.

It is empowering, and I have little doubt that women all over the country are hearing these words from Warren and realizing that their vote will send a message to ALL of the men who have treated women like they only existed for their entertainment that there is a new day in America.

And that new day will be welcomed by this country's very first female President. 


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