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Friday, 13 May 2016

Rachel Maddow offers advice to Hillary Clinton for how to defeat Donald Trump.

Courtesy of Salon: 

Donald Trump’s “policy is just like whatever’s floating in the air around him. It’s not been what he’s running on,” Maddow said. “He’s sort of running on who he is … He’s a big rich guy who doesn’t pay attention to what people want from him, and he’s willing to be politically incorrect and self-funding.” 

“If you don’t go at who he is,” she continued, “and you try to keep it based on his policies — which he doesn’t even understand let alone necessarily believe in — I think you kind of miss the point and you miss the chance to actually take him apart where it counts.”

I agree with this completely.

And it is not as if Trump is not offering up ammunition to use against him every day.

For instance:

In a phone call to NBC’s “Today” program Friday morning after this article appeared online, Trump denied that he was John Miller. “No, I don’t think it — I don’t know anything about it. You’re telling me about it for the first time and it doesn’t sound like my voice at all,” he said. “I have many, many people that are trying to imitate my voice and then you can imagine that, and this sounds like one of the scams, one of the many scams — doesn’t sound like me.” Later, he was more definitive: “It was not me on the phone. And it doesn’t sound like me on the phone, I will tell you that, and it was not me on the phone. And when was this? Twenty-five years ago?” 

Then, Friday afternoon, Washington Post reporters who were 44 minutes into a phone interview with Trump about his finances asked him a question about Miller: “Did you ever employ someone named John Miller as a spokesperson?”

The phone went silent, then dead. When the reporters called back and reached Trump’s secretary, she said, “I heard you got disconnected. He can’t take the call now. I don’t know what happened.”

This contest might literally come down to a question, not about who is more trustworthy, or experienced, but rather who is actually sane enough to do the job. 


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