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Thursday, 26 May 2016

President Obama: World leaders "rattled" by Donald Trump.

Courtesy of the Guardian:  

Speaking at the G7 summit in Ise-Shima, central Japan, Obama said his fellow leaders were “surprised by the Republican nominee” and unsure how to respond to his brash style of politics. 

“They are rattled by [him] and for good reason,” Obama said on Thursday. “Because a lot of the proposals he has made display either ignorance of world affairs, or a cavalier attitude, or an interest in getting tweets and headlines, instead of actually thinking through what it is required to keep America safe and secure and prosperous, and what’s required to keep the world on an even keel.”

Hard to blame the rest of the world for wondering just what the fuck is up with America these days.

One would think that after the disastrous presidency of George Bush, followed by the success of Obama's presidency, that the American voters would want to build on that success by working to elect a politician with competence and the ability to move us forward, not set the whole thing aflame and laugh while it burns.

By the way Trump responded to this news by saying that world leaders being rattled is a good thing:  

"When you rattle someone, that's good," Trump said at a news conference in North Dakota. "If they're rattled in a friendly way, that's a good thing ... not a bad thing."

I have no idea what "rattled in a good way" means, but then neither does Trump. He just says whatever idiotic thing pops into his head, which is part of the reason that those world leaders are  concerned.

I really think that once Trump is beaten that the Republican part will for all intents and purposes be undone as a national party and will have to work very hard to regain the country's trust.

Actually come to think of that I believe the same would hold true even if Trump won the presidency. 


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